Chapter 26- That's What Free Healthcare Does For You...

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A/N- This only took me about a day and a half to write, but it's rather juicy and heart warming I guess. I said that I would attempt to extend her story outside the plot of the show and I tried to do so, please enjoy. Thank you xx


Darcy's POV.

"We'll just slip off. No need to mention us in your report." Sherlock told Dimmock while John stood with his arm around Sarah and I was leant on the bonnet of his police car.

I rubbed my forehead and groaned as the pain was very much still there, but it'd go away. I'd be fine.

"Mr Holmes..." Dimmock tried to stop him.

Sherlock just talked over him, "I have high hopes for you, Inspector. A glittering career."

Ever had the feeling where everything around you just isn't there anymore? No? Well, your vision sort of goes blurry and there's a loud high pitched whistling in your ears which almost causes you to fall over.

I'm pretty sure everyone was watching when I stumbled down the side of the police car, "Sherlock, she needs to go to hospital." John murmured or maybe he said it rather loudly, I just couldn't hear all that well.

"No, no, I'm fine. Just need a rest..." I tried to reassure him breathlessly and I was pulled to stand upright.

John put his hands on either side of me face and opened one of my eyes, "I think she's got concussion."

Sherlock waved his hand in the direction of an officer, "Hospital. Now."


I felt a presence in the room with me whilst I slept, normally I slept deeply but not tonight. My headache was so severe I couldn't even sleep properly.

I had a drip in my arm, apparently it was morphine. I didn't know why morphine would help with concussion but I was sleeping because of it and it made me feel better.

"So young, so pretty." The voice said softly into the quietness of my room, it was different. Creepy different. I didn't like it. "Not at all like I'd imagined."

Wait, he knew me. He knew who I was? Or he knew of me. This was weird but I didn't want to wake up or open my eyes because who knew what he might do.

There were none of my family members left, I know, I searched and searched but nothing. Nobody. So that only meant that whoever this was, he wasn't a good guy. He was the bad guy.

"I hate it." He seethed and I felt the IV drip being ripped from my arm, I couldn't help but wince at the sharp stinging sensation.

I finally had to open my eyes and found my room to be empty, nobody was here. And I could see from here there was no evidence of anyone else ever being here, aside from the blood droplet on my arm and the IV dangling beside me.

I couldn't think, not with the pain now seeping back as it was no longer dulled by the morphine, he obviously didn't like me all that much but if that were true why didn't he just kill me?

Their murderer.

My eyes widened and I sat up slightly, I had just noticed my room was dark so it was night still, how did he get in? The man who killed my parents, the man who took them away from me before I even knew them and he was right here. He could've ended it, gotten rid of the last of us.


He could've done it but he didn't. That was what frustrated me. I now had to put up with this guy forever haunting me.

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