Chapter 10- Arguing With A Robot.

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Darcy's POV.

"What did you say?" John asked from where he was stood, with his phone up to his ear, at the window.

I shrugged and turned to face him, "Nothing." I mumbled, and I frowned at him, "What are you looking at?"

He turned to face me and I wandered over as he explained, "Its Sherlock. He just drove off in a cab." I peered over his shoulder as the cab pulled off and drove down Baker Street. I caught a glimpse of a curly haired man in a trench coat sat in the back seat. Sherlock.

I heard a tut in irritation come from behind me, and turned to see Pretty Hair rolling her eyes, "I told you, he does that." She turned to Lestrade, "He bloody left again." She walked back into the kitchen, talking loudly as she did, "We're wasting our time!"

"I could've told you that from the beginning." I muttered and turned back to John, who looked at Lestrade.

"I'm calling the phone. It's ringing out." He stated, gesturing to the phone in his hand and I sighed.

I turned on my heel and raised my eyebrows at Lestrade, "So it's definitely not here then."

He nodded and crossed his arms, John strode over to the laptop, "I'll try the search again."

"Good idea." I commented and peered over his shoulder, as he stood with the laptop in his hands and tried the search.

"Does it matter? Does any of it? You know, he's just a lunatic, and he'll always let you down, and you're wasting your time. All of our time." Pretty Hair sneered, as she left the kitchen to confront Lestrade.

I couldn't help but feel offended by her comment, but I didn't understand why.

My eyes narrowed and I pulled my lips together in frustration, "Who are you doing that requires so much of your precious time?" I quipped and glanced at Anderson, she glared at me and opened her mouth to retort but Lestrade turned to the officers and announced loudly, "Okay, everybody. Done 'ere."

Pretty Hair turned on her heel sharply, strutting off into the kitchen and her hair bounced up and down as she did. I smirked and stuck my tongue out at the back of her head, "Bit childish, Darcy." Lestrade chuckled at me, and it caused me to smile back. His smile was infectious.

"Well, you are dealing with children." I commented and continued to smile at him, he laughed softly and shook his head. Still smiling I joined John again in the search for the phone, he glanced up at me and frowned a little. "What?" I questioned.

He shook his head and looked back down at the screen, "Nothing. Nothing..." He sighed and stared intently at his face.

Worried. Under Pressure, Enjoying The Thrill Of The Chase. Confused. Annoyed.


Back to the case, I thought and shifted my gaze back to the screen. The circle was spinning, and it just span continuously. I soon got bored and rolled my eyes, walking over to Sherlock's armchair and plonking myself heavily into it. Propping my head on my fingertips as I rested my right elbow on the arm of the chair. Lestrade wandered into the kitchen to round up his officers.

John placed the laptop on the dining table and turned to me, "Sherlock's gone, god knows where, and you're just going to sit there?" He interrogated and crossed his arms.

"I intend to, yes. Does that bother you?" I retorted, emotionless and lifted my head off my hand, frowning at him.

He sighed, shaking his head, "Yes. It does. Aren't you worried?"

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