Chapter 11

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                                                     BROKEN - CHAPTER 11


I sat in the living room with Prince, Curtis & Rhiyana counting everyones share. I put money in all the members of our gangs little file for them to collect whenever..I got up and gave Prince his share of the money, then Rhyiana and lastly Curtis. His hand brushed past mine as I gave it to me and he smirked. For weeks he had been doing this ..and then acting like he never done anything. I rolled my eyes and sat back down with my feet up. I really wanted to go home and sleep but daddy had a job for us. By us I meant me and Curtis. It was quarter to 12 at night, we were just waiting for daddys orders.

"Curtis And Ciara" One of daddys bodyguards called

We stood up and walked out of the room and into daddys office.

"Curtis, Ciara" He said



Daddy glared over at me making me smirk.."Boss" I said

"There are 2 guys meeting you in the alleyway over at Hules road. Collect the bag, give them the money and Just walk away."

We nodded and I took the bag from him and placed it on my back. Hmm, it matched my tracksuit. We walked out of the building and Curtis unlocked his car. I got into the passenger side and we started our 35 minute journey..


We were about a minute away from our destination. The journey ride was silent. Curtis would occasionally take a couple of glances at me, but everytime I looked up he would look away. He parked up an alleyway and we got out of the car. He sat on the bonnet of his car whilst I stood beside him checking that everything was in the bag.

"Pass the bag Cee" He said

I gave it to him and he took it brushing past my hand AGAIN. I shivered a little and he smirked.

"Curtis why do you keep doing this?"

"Doing what?"

He looked behind me as 2 guys approached us. One with a bag. We walked towards them. Curtis is sooo lucky. The guy with the bag opened it and all I saw was money..I started grinning and took the bag. Curtis opened up our bag and they nodded. We traded and then walked off in our directions. Me and Curtis walked back to the car.

"Hold the bag" He said

"Ooo no, I am NOT falling for that again" I said

"Ciara what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong" I said opening the car door. He slammed it shut and made me face him..

I never realised how close we were until I tried to look down..

"Y-you keep ..You keep touching me ..and you piss me off" I said

He chuckled and I folded my arms and looked away..He took my hands and put them in his..

"What like this?" He whispered

I noticed that my breathing was getting heavier ..and I was getting hotter. Ooo i know he was loving this kmt. I don't understand why I was like this ..I'm never like this ..especially not around Curtis..

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