Chapter 93: I Want To Go Home

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"Max... Max we're going home right?" I spoke breaking the deafening silence as we sat in the darkness of the night. He was trying to tend to the fire, but he didn't speak. "MAX!" His head shot towards me, glaring into my eyes. Dog came out of the back of the car where he was sleeping and right to my side, laying down and putting his head into my lap. Max was making weird movements again, closing his eyes tightly. The voices were back, I could tell, and it was getting worse. As the night dragged on, we found it hard to sleep.

We were back on the road as morning broke, max said we were going home, but he went the opposite way. I stared him down, but he just looked straight ahead.

"Max, where the fuck are we going?" He said nothing, just continued to speed down the dirt road. "Max we have to go back" I felt tears in my eyes, and Max tried to hard not to look at me and feel sympathy. He simply rested his hand on my thigh in efforts to comfort me. I pushed it off angrily, looking out the window away from him.


"I don't think we should be together Max" I breathed, all of a sudden becoming very cold to him his eyes snapped from the road and onto me, crazed, hard... And hurt? I couldn't tell. "I don't want to be here with you Max" he stopped the car immediately, turning his body to look at me. "I want to fucking go home, and if you're not going to take me then we're done, and i'm walking" I got out of the car, and watched as Max drove off.

I stared into the distance as his car became smaller and I began to laugh, crazed and shrill. I felt so many emotions, so much anger, so much.... I just laughed, falling to my knees in the hot sand. When I collected myself, I moved forward, heading back towards the citadel, which I could see a tint outline of in the distance.

The sun was driving me mad, and I didn't even have any water. I heard the sound of engines approaching and turned to meet cars of war boys, all rushing towards me screaming. I grabbed the shotgun that was attached to my thigh and shot some of them down, but there were too many. They parked their cars around me and exited, I stood in the middle as they circled around me, I was outnumbered and had no choice but to surrender. I fucking hated max for getting me into this situation.

One of the war boys walked up to me, their insignias on their cars proved they were from bullet farm. He brought his dirty hands to my long black hair, grabbing a handful and smelling it.

"Oh, he'll like you..." His voice was raspy and crazed, "and so will I...." His hands ran down my arms and I brought my fist to his face, knocking him to the floor. But war boys weren't that easy and I was grab end by two others while he got back up. "Frisky, this one" he laughed, and the others laughed. I struggled against their grip but I had no more energy. His dirty hands gripped my face tightly, examining me. "mm, you're perfect"

Our heads turned as the sound of an engine came towards us, a very distinct engine. "ITS HIM! ITS MAX" a war boy yelled, and they scattered like roaches into their cars. The leader of their group was dragging me to his car but I tried to fight him, pulling myself away, kicking and screaming.

Max car swerved around us and he stuck his shotgun out of the window, shooting him in the head. I jumped Into the back of the car, taking out a sniper rifle and as Max drove, I shot down war boys until I was out of bullets. I crawled back through and into the passenger seat, there was no time to talk and I held on tight as Max took care of the remaining war boys, side swiping them and ramming them with nitrous. Their cars were nothing compared to his and Max took them down in less than five minutes of saving me.

"You alright?" His voice rasped, looking over at me, but I didn't want to talk to him, he actually left me in the desert, I could've been kidnapped by the bullet town boys, and who knows what they planned to do with me. "Phoenix"

"Fuck you" I spat, leaning my head back into the chair, his beautiful, blue eyes examined me for a minute, but he sighed, looking back at the road. We didn't say a word to each other the whole way home. I had no idea what we were to each other anymore, all I knew was I didn't want to be near him right now.

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