Chapter 33: Feeling Alright

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Oh god I was so exited about this! Music was my number one favorite thing in the world before the world fell. I missed it so much. I didn't care what kind of music it was. It was wonderful to hear again.

Although I wondered why she would let me have this. It's extremely rare to have it. Despite never using it, it's still valuable. I have forgotten how music made me feel. I remember during the Fury Road war, listening to Imorten Joes guitar player play amazing cords.

I get up wincing in pain. I shrug it off. "You comming?" I ask Furiosa happily. She doesn't hesitate to follow me. I grab the CD's and CD player and make my way inside. Going upstairs is a big pain I n the ass. Slowly walking up the steps I finally make it. I walk to the vault noticing immediately that max and Phoenix were gone. Assuming they are together. Max hasn't left her side.

I put the CD player and CD's up and lay down on the bed to rest. "Thank you for the gift" I say softly but joy in my voice. I couldn't lie, that just made my day. I still wonder why she would give me something so valuable.

She sits next to the bed staring into my eyes. "Those stairs wore you out huh?" She laughed as she spoke. I chuckled a bit, "Yeah, actually." I say sarcastically. Even though it really did. I'm tired as hell.

We just sit silently and look at each other. Studying each other. "Does your face still hurt?" She says staring at my black eye and scarring cut. "Yeah, but not near as bad. It's nothing really." I say feeling the cut on my face. It really is gonna leave an ugly memory on my face.

She starts examining my tattoos. "They're beautiful" She says in ah. "Thank you" I say flashing a smile. Most of these I got before the world went to shit. Some of them I got within the wasteland. Thankfully not getting infected or sick. Some of them where forced. But that's for another day of remembering my past.

I examine her beauty. Her face sculpted so perfectly. Her eyes a beautiful blue green. She was truely beautiful in my eyes.

I must have accidentally mumbled that last part. She gave me a warm look. Almost like she's blushing but I can't tell. I give her a warm smile. "Well it's true..." I say very quietly.

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