Chapter 16: Wide Awake

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I sat next to Ariadne, wide awake, it was my turn to keep watch. Max was back, sitting on the other side of the fire I had lit up. He looked over at me, examining my features, my eyes, stone cold met his and we stared at each other. I pulled a blanket over Ariadne, making sure she didn't catch Night fever... It was horrible.

I threw some food at Max, who caught it and are slowly, not taking his eyes off me. I played with the shot gun Furiosa gave me. Max poked at the fire a little bit, not really knowing what to do or say,

"Where's Furiosa?" He asked, his voice dark and grumbly. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and let my long black hair frame my face, Max stared at me, I didn't have any idea what was running through his mind.

"Left back to the citadel" I spoke harshly "went to get us some supplies so we could survive out in this shithole"

"I left because I knew I couldn't help you" he spoke, the most I've heard him say... Well... Ever.
I scoffed, digging  my combat boots into the dirt.

"So why'd you come back?" I spoke, moving from Ariadne and sitting directly across from Max, the fire roaring between us.

"Because I can protect you" he said simply, looking down into the fire going deep into thought, and throwing some useless things in to keep it going. Ariadne moved slightly in her sleep, probably some of her nightmares, I kept a close eye on her.

"If you're so sure you can protect us why did you leave in the first place" Max looked up at me, his lips slightly parted rubbed the scruff of his growing beard. His eyes more vibrant when they were lit up by the fire. He opened his mouth to speak, but shook his head and continued to stare into the fire.

We sat in silence, looking up at each other every now and then. "Um" he voiced, his voice raspy and quiet "what happened?"  He said, putting his fingers on his face, I looked at him, confused for a moment, hen touched my own face in the same place he did, feeling the scars one vertically down the left side of my mouth and onto my chin and the other vertically down my right eye.

"The one on my mouth was when I tried to defend Ariadne from a few war boys that tried to take advantage of her, I got her out safe but they got me." He leaned in a little, examining it before pulling back. "This one" I said pointing to the one on my eye "was from Scrotus, when I refused to plant explosives in your war rig during Fury Road" His eyebrows lifted up a bit, a look of surprise? I could never tell with Max. "Would've killed all of you if I decided to do it"

Max opened his mouth to speak, but the both of us jumped up when we heard the sounds of footprints, I threw the shotgun to him, grabbing a revolver from the ground next to me, we hid on either side of the cave as the footprints walked in slowly. Simultaneously, Max and I held our guns to either side of their face.

"It's me! It's me!" Furiosa's voice rang out, and her face was lit by the fire. She looked over at me, giving me a smile and looking over at Ariadne who was sleeping. Then she turned to Max, resting her hand on his broad shoulder. "Good to have you back, Max"

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