Chapter 59: Worried

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I sit there by myself, wondering why she wouldn't open up to me. Even Max was opening up slowly! But every time I get close he just shuts me out again, I know she doesn't mean to, so I'm not angry, I just want her to trust me.

I play with my food, a frown on my face all of a sudden not very hungry, I look up when someone sits at the table in front of me. It was Jeet, smiling his big smile. But he could see the sadness in my face and his smile faded. "Hey..." He spoke, his voice soft, I have never heard Jeet's voice soft like that and I didn't know what to think of it. "what's wrong?" I shook my head, giving him a half smile. "Aw, come on Furiosa... Is it blondie?"

I sighed. "She's not doing anything wrong I just... I wish I was easier to talk to maybe she'd open up" Jeet chuckled, shaking his head.

"It ain't that" he started "she just doesn't understand what she's feeling yet, can't explain it, to anyone." I looked up at him. "Yeah, I've been talking to her sometimes, I mean she doesn't tell me that stuff but I can read people really well"

I stared at him, there was no way he could just understand people by looking at them. He let out a sharp breath, bringing his head to his hands again, groaning. I put my hand on his and he held it tightly, suffering through another excruciating migraine.

"Like Max" he continued when it was over, like nothing happened but he looked exhausted. "Max lost people close to him didn't he? Maybe his wife? His child? I don't know, but I can see it in him... Weird thing I had, could always do it" my eyes widened, he wasn't joking, Max hid that from everyone but Jeet was able to read it off him. "So don't go blaming yourself for something like that mm? She'll open up when she's ready" I smiled at him "there ya goo!" He laughed.

One of his friends who stayed behind with him when he was injured ran up to the table, grabbing Jeet's bowl and running away. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" He yelled, I laughed at the hotheaded Jeet. "S'cuse me m'lady" and he jumped up from babe table, chasing him down. some of his warriors stayed behind because he wasn't in any shape to leave the Citadel just yet, but it didn't matter, he could stay here as long as he liked.

I figured if she wanted to talk to me she would, maybe I should stop pushing it... Maybe I should just give her some time to think.

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