Chapter 47: Beginning of War

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"FURIOSA" I heard Max yell as he held onto me tightly. Every time I closed my eyes I could see Scrotus coming at me, his hard hand hitting me, nothing I have never felt before. It shocked me, He was so much stronger than I thought. Furiosa and Ariadne were nowhere to be found.
Max cursed to himself, punching a wall out of anger and then turning to me, grabbing my chin gently with his hand and examining my face.

"I'm fine, Max" I say, a little harsher than I wanted to, and pushed his hand away.

"Let me fucking look at it!" He demanded, bringing his hand up again, but I swatted it away. He stared at me, his eyes swimming with thought. I didn't want to tell him about the fight Scrotus and I had before I reached him in the room. I closed my eyes tightly.

"YOU FUCKING TRAITOR" Scrotus yelled, grabbing me by my hair and throwing me into a table.

My eyes snapped open, my heart was racing, but all I could do was breathe. I stood up looking at Max, worry in my eyes. "Where the fuck are they?!" He brushed off my question, coming closer to me.

"How bad did he hurt you?" He spoke angrily. Grabbing me gently my my arms, his eyes looking everywhere to find any sort of wound.

"Max, I'm fine!" My voice rose, crossing my arms over my chest. But then he started to act weird again, he blinked hard his hands making weird gestures, after a moment, he shook his head and was back to normal. I opened my mouth to speak, but we were interrupted by Ariadne's voice calling my name from the entrance of the citadel.

I ran towards her voice, hugging her immediately, but she pulled away, she could see my face from a mile away. "What happened?!" She voiced angrily, her angry eyes looked over at Max "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She yelled more demanding now. Furiosa made her way in, but they were accompanied by another man, burned up badly on one side, pieces of metal put though his head like piercings and a bunch of arrows sticking out of his backpack. He examined me, then he examined Max. Furiosa had a look of worry on her face, noticing the bruises immediately.

"Oh no..." She was about to speak but Max grabbed the shot gun from my thigh, pointing it directly at the burned man. "MAX, MAX NO!" Furiosa yelled, jumping I front of the gun. Max stared at her angrily. She sighed, "this is Jeet... He's here to help us"

"UM HELLO!" Ariadne yelled above the rest of us "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHY IS SHE HURT?!" Max lowered the gun, looking away. I sighed.

"I told Scrotus Furiosa killed you, that's why only I came back... His war boys spotted you, probably when you were on your way to Jeet's... He found out I was lying... He attacked us..." Ariadne turned her head to Max, who looked so angry that I was afraid to touch him. "Max stopped Scrotus before he could really do any damage... Drove us up here as fast as he could, but no doubt they're going to come after us."

"Fuck..." Jeet spoke randomly. The four of us turning to him and staring at him. He laughed a little, scratching his head awkwardly. But then he screamed really loud and it I jumped back, what was he fucking insane? Jeet grabbed his head, his fingernails digging into his skin. But a moment later he took deep breaths and was normal again. "Sorry, headaches..."

Furiosa explained that Scrotus and his war boys took his territory, and for us to have a chance against Scrotus we needed bigger numbers. There was no time for anything right now, we needed to prepare for war, because Gas Town was on the horizon, and Scrotus was furious.

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