Chapter 74: I'm Comming Back

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I stopped the car in the middle of no where. I couldn't breathe. I got out of the car and fell to my knees. I just started to cry and I didn't care. I cried hard and for a long time. I felt like shit for leaving but I would've felt worse if I was mean to them. I already snapped at Furiosa and Phoenix.

I wipe my tears away and I begin to think. I realize that I'm hurting Furiosa and Phoenix more by leaving then just dealing with it. Maybe I just needed a joy ride. I still feel angry and sad. I still feel like I'm falling apart but I'd rather fall apart with the people I love then alone.

I'm so fucking stupid for leaving. I get back in the car and make my way back. While I drive I feel like I've somewhat cleared my head. I still feel lost though. I don't know who I am. I don't really know myself. It will get bad but storms never stay forever, right?

I understand why she pushed this to the back of my brain. She cared about me is all. It was with good intentions. That was hard to find out here. All of us were messed up in our own way. As the world fell, all of us were broken.

It's dark now but I won't stop driving. I'm exaughsted and I'll probably be sick again but I won't stop driving. I've had enough time to think. And as I drive through the night, I realized that I did love them. I have accepted Max as family and Furiosa, well I would have to say she's mine. They've got my back so I should have theirs as well.

It's extremely late, the suns almost rising, and I make it back to the Citadel. I get out of the car, exhausted. I walk in and up the stairs and into the training room. Dropping my stuff and punching the punching bad. Letting out my feelings through violence. Although I'm tired the feelings don't go away. I wait for everyone to wake up.

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