Chapter 91: Old and Forgotten Memories

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Ariadne was so upset an angry but she wasn't crying, she was way too angry. I tried to hug and comfort her but she didn't want any affection right now. I understood, I kissed her head ad let her be for a while.

I walked outside to get some air, it was dark now and the stars were out; I hoped to got that Max and Phoenix were alright especially with the night crawlers, but he would protect her. I thought back to a conversation max and I had a while ago.


"So... What do you plan on doing now?" I asked, Phoenix and Ariadne were sleeping and it was just Max and I in the garage. He just looked at me, his eyes swimming with thought, we took down Scrotus and Max wasn't one to stay in one place for very long.

"Leaving" he mumbled "I'm taking Phoenix with me" my eyebrows furrowed, no way Phoenix would leave without Ariadne.

"Did you ask her about that? Phoenix and Ariadne-"

"She's coming with me, the dog too" he said more persistent.

"Max we need you, you think that Scrotus is the only threat here? There's going to be more war!"
Max sighed, saying nothing to me and working on his car. "Look you can't just separate them Max! You're going to take her away from us because you love her?!" He shot me a dirty look, as if he was ready to fight me like the day I first met him.

"I care about you, Furiosa, about Ariadne and Jeet and the wives too" he started, dropping his tool to the floor. "But I cannot stay here"

"Why?" I persisted. He got ailer again, leaning on the hood of his car. "WHY?!" I yelled becoming angry.

"I BRING DEATH AND DESTRUCTION TO EVERYTHING I TOUCH FURIOSA" he screamed, causing me to jump a little; his voice usually never rose above a ice cold growl.

"If that's the case then you'll bring death and destruction to yourself and Phoenix if you leave" he stared at me his fists clenched. He knew I was right.


Ariadne joined me outside after a bit, her eyes red and puffy but she didn't say anything. She leaned her beautiful head onto my shoulder and sniffled. I wrapped to arms around her, I knew she was sad and angry and confused and she just wanted them to come back, but at the same time she wished they would both disappear.

"I love you so much, Furiosa" she mumbled. "Thank you for not leaving like them..." I sighed, kissing her head repeatedly.

"I'd never leave you, darling. I love you too" we sat together in silence after that, just watching the stunning stars twinkle, but the most beautiful thing that night was Ariadne right next to me.

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