Chapter 10: The Big Question

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Mal was never a big fan of masquerade balls. 

In fact, she didn't even know what a masquerade ball was when she was still living in the Isle. 

The only party she had seen was Evie's birthday party, and she wasn't even invited to it. But Audrey had explained to her what a masquerade ball was all about, and Mal couldn't help but feel excited. There was a deep churning inside her stomach. She and Audrey had been waiting for the day that Ben would ask. Audrey always told Mal that whatever Ben had planned, it was going to be romantic. It was a little bit awkward hearing that from her, but Mal was feeling pretty excited. 

Maybe a trip to the Enchanted Lake again? Was he going to sing to her? How was she going to act surprised by the question - even though she had been anticipating it?

But now...

 Mal closed her locker with a loud sigh. She was indeed very excited a week ago, but she didn't hear anything from Ben after he returned from Charmington. Ben had been avoiding her lately - he wasn't even replying to her or even looking at her. He would always look away and come up with an excuse that he had to attend to some other important things. 

Mal scoffed at herself for how needy she sounded, she was fine with him travelling everywhere... it was just that she at times, too, felt lonely. When she wasn't sketching, coming up with new spells, having a girl talk with Evie.. She missed him.

But more importantly, was he ever going to ask?! Mal frowned in annoyance when her eyes spotted a goofy-looking Jay asking Audrey the same question she was hoping Ben would ask her. They were not far away, just by the staircase. 

He was gripping a bouquet of roses, wearing a hot pink Letterman jacket with : 'Audrey & Jay Forever and Ever' printed on with golden cursive letters at the back. He even styled his hair too. 

Mal rolled her eyes when Audrey squealed and jumped up and down animatedly shouting yes. She felt the ring on her finger, the ring that Ben had gave her. It was a symbol of their love for each other. Mal shook her head. Ben must be busy, so I shouldn't be expecting too much of him...


Mel's eyes looked up and met Ben's. "Ben.." She murmured, her face brightening. Ben started scratching the back of his neck in an awkward manner. "Mal, you must have heard about the ball..." Mal nodded, biting her lip, her fingers crossed behind her. This was it. The moment Audrey had been telling her. He would lean in, and whisper to her those eight special words. Would you go to the dance with me?

Before Ben could open his mouth, Mal stopped him. "Wait!" She shouted suddenly, looking behind him, behind her, around them. She opened her locker, inspected it, then closed it. Huh. No balloons, marching band, roses, no pink Letterman jacket? Was Audrey making all that stuff up about Ben being romantic?

"I'm so sorry, Mal, but could you go to the dance with someone else?" Ben apologised, staring at the floor of the school hallway. Mal started counting the number of words Ben had just said. That was probably more than eight words, she thought to herself, before her eyes returned to him. 

"I'm so sorry, Mal, something just came up, I-" Ben looked at her with worry. He really made her upset now. 

Come to think of it, how many days has it been since he ever had a proper conversation with her? "Mal, someone's here, and I really need to attend to that person." Ben breathed out slowly, his eyes transfixed on her emotionless face.

What? Mal thought.

Was this how Ben felt?

After... after waiting for him all this time?!

Did he know the effort she went through to impress his parents?!

She tried her best to cool down the neon green flames that were beginning to swirl around her fists. She was in Auradon, and she couldn't spell someone to drop dead in front of her, but she oh so badly wanted to.

"I-It's fine. I'll just go with someone else. Maybe I'll ask Carlos." Mal choked out. 

His eyebrows shot up. Carlos? Why was she suddenly bringing up his name?

"They've been spending a LOT of time together.."

His irises flashed in anger. "Carlos?! Why! Tell me."

He surprised Mal and himself with the deep guttural growl that came out. Mal inched away just a bit, nervous. "Well, I don't have anyone to go with..."

"What about Evie?"




"Lonnie?!" Ben threw his hands up exasperatedly.

 She narrowed her eyes. What was his problem? Why couldn't she go with another guy besides him? It was his fault for rejecting her. 

"Chad." She snarled, her eyes flashing the same level of anger as his. Ben felt put off. Didn't she understand what he was going through?! Why was she being so emotional? If he couldn't go with her, then she shouldn't go to the ball. Didn't she know how a relationship worked? 

Ben felt irritated that she had decided to use Carlos immediately as a back up. It was like she had a Plan B if he really did not ask her. He felt used. He swiftly turned on his heels and began walking away. 

"HEY!" Mal yelled, angered. Did he just.. walk away from her?! When they were having a conversation?! She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Unbelievable!

She felt a hand on her shoulder. Audrey was smiling happily, bouquet in her hand, her cheeks red from blushing. "So? How did it go?" Mal flared up in anger. Her irises glowed green, purple smoke billowing from her. She slapped Audrey's hand away from her shoulder, fuming with furiousness. "Don't touch me!" She barked with a voice like thunder, before shoving Audrey to the side and marching off.

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