Chapter 16: Apologise

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M A L ' S P O V :

"Ben! Carlos! What's going on?!" I shrieked in horror. Was it just my imagination? Or did I just see Carlos' fist in Ben's face?!

"Mal." The two replied in a synchronised manner. I stood frozen, just a few centimetres away from them. My jaw slacked and my eyes were bulging. What happened that drove Carlos to the extent of using physical contact?! He doesn't even dare to try and touch Jay. Ben was standing to my left, his matted hair stuck to his head, and his forehead was dripping with sweat and his eyes and mouth were in a thin line. His face crumpled into a large frown as his right hand rubbed the bruise that Carlos had given him. I cringed at the size of the bruise on his chin. It was unsightly.

Carlos was standing on my right. His face was red and he was sweating as much as Ben, his hair stuck up in different directions and lost its curl. He looked ready to murder. Did a brawl occur?

"Guys, what happened?!" I asked again. Their eyes shot to me, their faces solemn. "Tell her." Carlos barked. My eyes widened in surprise, before turning to stare at a sheepish and remorse looking Ben for an answer. "Mal, I - I wasn't on a business trip." His words rang in my ears, rousing my curiosity even further.

"You... weren't?" He shook his head.

"I had to take Chad's sister to the ball..." He muttered. A huge lump in my throat tried to force itself out, but I swallowed it, choking a little. "Y-Y-You mean Charmaine?" I said in a small voice, stunning Carlos and him He cleared his throat and looked away, nodding sadly. My eyes were preparing to fill up with tears, but I forced it all down. I was too tired of crying already. At the corner of my eye, I saw Carlos cringing. He probably didn't mean to cause me to hurt anymore. "You should have told me." My voice had dropped into a harsh whisper, as if my throat was hurting and I had lost my voice.

"I'm so sorry, Mal. I - I shouldn't have gone with her... Please forgive me." His face hung in remorse, and his face was written with guilt. Did I forgive Ben? Possibly. But I was so surprised that he would actually do such a thing. Why? When? How? So many questions were flooding into my head, one after another, and it linked into even more questions, but more specific ones. I had the right to confront him with all the concerns forming in my head, but was it even right? Wouldn't it just create even more tension between us?

"Maybe we should stop this." Ben said suddenly. I didn't realise my eyes were closed and my head was facing the ground until he said those five words. I looked up in confusion. What? "What?" I heard Carlos shout out in surprise as his face matched my expression. My breathing turned a little laboured, as if I had just finished a marathon. Ben, on the other hand, looked like he regretted the words that had just escaped his mouth. His eyes were as wide as globes as he stared at me, like I were the one that made him say it. "I... I didn't know how - I'm sorry." His words tumbled out, stringing together an incoherent sentence that I couldn't quite catch.

I was terrified. This wouldn't work out anymore. Mom always said that love makes someone weak. Maybe she was right. Maybe Ben was right. Maybe I should stop this. This relationship that was turning me weak. That made me insecure, like I had some sort of inferiority complex. Everyone noted that I had changed, and Mom always said change was never a good thing. Ben was going to be King, and I wasn't going to be worth his time. He had a thousand other girls including that Charmaine. They seemed perfect for each other.

"Ben, sweetheart!"

And here comes the devil.

The blonde prances over to Ben like a gazelle, wrapping her arms tightly around Ben's arm and eyeing me in disgust before looking at him. She gave a dramatic gasp. "Bennycheeks, what happened to your face?" She crinkled her nose as if Ben had suddenly turned ugly. "I'm fine, Charmaine." Ben said stiffly, his eyes still focused on me. I felt Carlos' tentative hand on my shoulder. "Mal." He murmured, his eyes transfixed on me. I gave him a soft smile. It dropped in a millisecond when Charmaine spoke. "Oh yeah! Mal! Nice seeing you here again! What business do you have with my lover?" She derided, her face filled with contempt. Ben shook her hands off his arm and grabbed my hand, a small smile forming on his lips

"I know, I've done wrong. Forgive me Mal, and give me a second chance. Please?"

"What about her?" I shot a look at Charmaine who looked ditzy as usual. 

"She doesn't matter. You matter the most. Honest. You can place a curse on me or make me disappear, but I will always love you."

 It had somehow automatically lifted my spirits. Sooner or later, a smile was playing on my lips as well.

"Mal, I regret what I said and did. I'm so sorry." I giggled in a girlish manner, swinging our interlocked hands back and forth playfully. "You are forgiven, your Majesty." I joked, brushing my lips softly over his before pulling away. My cheeks were probably burning by now, but I didn't mind. Love is powerful. And strong. And it defeated my mom and whatever powers of evil she had. Besides, Ben made me happy. He started chuckling, but stopped when he heard Charmaine shriek. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! She's so ugly and... UGH!!!" She stomped around in a huff. Carlos rolled his eyes. "I'll take care of her." He grabbed her by the arm and successfully dragged her away when she began yelling for her older brother.



"I heard you were taking some lessons on.. manners?" He wriggled his eyebrows playfully. I snorted. Even with a black and blue bruise adorned on his chin, he still looked handsome. I hit his chest. "Shut up." I snorted. He grinned playfully and dipped down for a kiss. It was disappointingly short, but it still felt like fireworks. I bit my lips afterwards as he grinned happily. We spent the rest of the night just standing there, smiling at each other like goofballs and kissing.

I couldn't have it anyway better.

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