Chapter 1: Prissy Pink Princesses

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::This book has been revised and all spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected::

Princess Mal - A Descendants Fanfiction


"A-Are you sure your parents liked me? I don't think t-they liked me. They didn't look t-that happy to see me..." Mal stuttered, looking nervous and dismayed. 

Mal started twirling her lilac hair around her fingertips. It was her habit to do so, whenever she was nervous, she'd start fidgeting all of a sudden. It didn't happen when she was living in The Isle of The Lost, because she was always with her fearless mother. She had to put up a brave front, as the daughter of The Mistress of Evil.

But here, in Auradon, Mal was living in a completely new world, unknown rules and traditions that she never knew about in The Isle. Besides that, she was terrified of Ben's parents.

Her right hand was clasped tightly with Ben's as they wandered down the small corridor to Mal's locker. Ben lifted up their locked hands and placed a tender kiss on Mal's fingertips. 

"I'm positive. Don't worry about it, Mal. After all, you did save Auradon from your mother." Ben joked, then cringed when he saw a wave of guilt cross Mal's features.


"It's cool." She bit her lip, sighing. After the Coronation Party at Auradon Prep had ended, Mal had seen the Auradonian Royal Guards take her mother away in the glass case where the Fairy Godmother's wand had once been sheltered. 

Her mother, Maleficent had turned into the exact size of her heart - a small lizard. Mal still couldn't believe that her mother did not love her. Sure, she knew it was not easy to please or impress her mother; but when her mother had exclaimed to her that she would be proud of Mal if she managed to steal that special wand, Mal thought that this would be her chance to show her mother that she can be as evil as her. 

And there she was, at the coronation ceremony, ready to destroy all the goodness and happiness of Auradon just to hopefully make her mother the tiniest bit proud of her. She knew the others felt the same as well - Carlos, Evie and Jay all regret that they nearly made a big mistake. But now, after a few misunderstandings, Auradon was happy to accept the Villain Kids in.

Mal was pretty surprised that Ben's parents forgave the Villain Kids that easily, especially after the coronation.

Come to think of it, Ben had announced to the entire Auradon the day after the coronation that he would invite more kids from The Isle of The Lost to come over to Auradon Prep. This received mixed reviews from the Auradonians, of course. He and Mal also both found out that the barrier between Auradon from The Isle of The Lost had somehow disappeared. Luckily, no other Villains had gotten out. The Auradonian Guards were still puzzled as to how it happened, since the barrier had to be destroyed by a large enough spell or power that was stronger than Maleficent's.

Well, maybe Carlos' hack into the magic barrier system probably worked after all. Mal thought to herself. Mal didn't tell Ben about the fact that Carlos had almost managed to destroy the barrier using his hacking skills. Carlos was professional and superior in his tech work.

The royal couple had just returned to Auradon Prep from a brunch (Ben had to explain to her what a 'brunch' was) with Ben's parents, Belle and Beast, in their large castle. Mal lost count of the times she fiddled with her earrings, or adjusted the hem of her purple skirt, or giggled over nothing in particular. Belle seemed amused, or so she hoped. Beast, on the other hand, remained stern-looking. Mal was terrified that they would disapprove of her, and that she had to stay away from Ben. She shook her head, ridding of any horrid thoughts.

"Mal, you okay?" Ben asked, looking concerned. Mal simply nodded her head. She didn't want to worry Ben about it. It was cute and all, but seeing Ben worry made Mal feel like he was being way too protective over her. Besides, she badly needed to talk to Evie about brunch. Evie was probably hoping she'd spill out some juicy gossip over what happened - Mal always told her all the details after every date she and Ben went on. 

"Well, I have to get back to my 'kingly' duties." Ben gave a smile. Mal jumped, nearly forgetting that her boyfriend was still standing there. Boyfriend. She still couldn't get over that term without blushing or stuttering. He surprised her again by dropping a kiss on her cheek before walking off in the opposite direction.

Even after a week of them being together, Mal still couldn't help blushing when Ben kisses her.

Heaving a large sigh, Mal pushed open the door to her dorm room, where Evie was sitting on her bed and studying. She smiled to herself. Evie was studying. Yup, being in Auradon did change all of them. 

Evie decided in the end to be herself, instead of being someone else just to impress a guy. Mal heard that Doug had asked Evie out, but she was not quite sure yet. She was happy for both of them - Doug seemed like a nice guy. Evie revealed to her that she loved studying - even if there was no purpose for it. Her favourite subjects was Science, and she was eager to learn everything about Science. Evie looked up from her paper as Mal closed the door and gave her a weak grin.

"M, you're back! So, how was brunch?" Evie asked excitedly, putting down her pen and test booklet as she sat up. Wow, isn't she excited. Mal rolled her eyes playfully. "I wonder why I ever agreed to have one of these girly talks with you." Mal said in her casually sarcastic tone.

Evie snorted in response. "Hello?! You were the one that was asking for help on Ben." Evie fluttered her eyelashes as she emphasised on the word. Mal chuckled as she walked towards the bed, swatting Evie away to make room for her to sit.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened - It was horrible. I messed up and I was super nervous." Mal whined. Evie gasped in mock horror.  "Mal, the daughter of the Mistress of Evil is nervous?!" Evie giggled when Mal grabbed a pillow nearest to her and pretended to aim for her face.

Mal snorted. "I really did mess up! I think I laughed at possibly everything that Mr Beast had said."

"Oh, M. It's okay to be nervous." Evie comforted her. It was her duty to, as a sister to her. Yup, she felt that she and Mal had a growing connection ever since arriving in Auradon. They had never talked to each other that much back in The Isle. Besides, Mal had cheered her up when Audrey had kissed that jerk Chad in front of the whole school on the bleachers. She wanted to do something for her as a way of thanks. 

"At least you're boyfriend isn't the King of Auradon."

"Huh. I've just realised I've never met Doug's parents before."



Mal gave her a look. "You're getting distracted again."

"Yes, Mal. I'm pretty sure they loved you. Just like how Ben loves you." She grinned when Mal blushed immediately, letting her lilac hair fall over her face, covering her blushing features. It was cute to see her this way. Mal had never exposed this side of her before, but after a week of dating Ben, it made her more.. feminine.

Mal gave a small smirk. "Well, do you know any other way I can make Ben's parents accept me?"

"I'm serious Mal. You're fine just the way you are."

"Please?" Mal's eyes twinkled. Evie gave a sigh. She folded her arms, thinking hard. "Well... you could become a proper princess."

Mal stood up. "No way! I'm fine without gowns and tiaras, thank you." She argued. Evie pouted. "You wore a dress to the Coronation and party!" Mal rolled her eyes. Auradon really did transform her. How did she turn from a punk rebel to a shy girl who has insecurities and doubts about herself? "Do you want to impress Ben's parents or not?" Evie's question snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yes! Of course I do!"

"Then, I know just the person who can help!" Evie replied with excitement. Mal could not help but wonder what Evie had planned.

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