12: I Have No Idea Where I Am Going With This Story So Have A Flashback

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"Frankie - I don't know what to pack, what the hell do you take to Heaven anyway...wait - if I'm a demon, can I even get into Heaven, shouldn't I be banned or some shit?" Gerard rambled, his head half stuffed into the closet as he spoke, random articles of clothing flying out as he dug through his possessions.

Frank had spent the rest of the day explaining their past lives to Gerard, and even though it had been difficult fully describing everything since Gerard had no memory of any of it, Gerard had become much more convinced that Frank's tale was true, but also much more frantic, and even though Frank was ecstatic that Gerard actually believed him, he hadn't expected him to be such a nervous wreck already.

"Frank - are you even listening to me?" Gerard called out loudly, not that it was needed, Frank was only a few feet away sitting on the bed.

"Yes baby, I am, and I don't know, I'm just bringing some clothes and pictures, stuff I would hate to lose, and no, you aren't banned from Heaven, I promise," Frank finally spoke up, trying his best not to laugh when Gerard huffed in exasperation.

"But I care about everything," Gerard wailed, his hands flying about as he finally pulled himself back into a sitting position, allowing Frank to see his face. "What about my paintings, and our house - oh fuck, what am I going to tell my parents?"

"Gee, calm down love - please," Frank cooed, sliding off the bed so he could wrap his arms around his husband. "We don't even have to leave tonight if we aren't ready. If you want, I can call Brendon down so we can talk to him, you can ask him what we should tell our families, and maybe he could help us with packing as well," Frank suggested, trying his best to soothe Gerard before he became hysterical.

"Yeah...okay, that sounds good. I'm sorry Frank, this day has just been so fucking weird, and I still can't wrap my head around half of this."

"I know, believe me I do, and it means so fucking much that you are trusting me, but everything is going to be okay," Frank whispered, rubbing Gerard's back softly until he felt his muscles relax under his touch.

"Are you going to call him now?" Gerard asked nervously, his shaky breath hitting Frank's neck when he exhaled.

"Yeah, I don't know how long it will take him to get here though."

Frank shut his eyes when Gerard only nodded in response, projecting Brendon's name loudly in his mind. It had been ages since he had called for another angel, and he had never done it as a human before, so he wasn't entirely sure if this was going to work, but Brendon had said it would, so Frank was going to have to trust him.

"Did he hear you?" Gerard asked fearfully, his eyes darting around as if he expected Brendon to appear at any moment.

"I think so, but angels can't teleport love, he still has to fly here."

"Oh...damn that would be cool if you could though," Gerard chuckled softly. "So what do we do until he gets here?"

"Let's finish packing, and then I can think of a few things to do that will pass the time." Frank waggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing Gerard to emit a high pitched giggle before pressing his lips to Frank's in a soft kiss.


"They are ready," Brendon sighed, sitting up in his bed abruptly, disturbing Ryan, who was actually in his room for once instead of wherever the fuck he went when he disappeared without a word. 

"Good," was all Ryan said, his face devoid of any emotion.

"I thought you would be happy about that," Brendon remarked in a snarky fashion, tugging a coat around his body as he spoke.

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now