14: Sort Of Feelsy Filler For All You Lovely People

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Gerard was well aware that he looked like an idiot as Frank practically dragged him down Heaven's corridors, and he was sure that if he caught sight of his reflection in a mirror, it would be hilarious; he could feel his eyes trying to pop out of his skull as he drank in the numerous wonders around him, his mouth was drying out from how wide it was hanging open, his neck was constantly twisting in every direction possible to allow himself to observe Heaven from every angle, but he honestly didn't care how ridiculous he came off as, because he was in Heaven, and fuck - it was even more amazing than he had imagined it would be.

Actually, Gerard wasn't sure what he had expected Heaven to be like, he had never really given it much thought until yesterday, hell - he hadn't truly believed it had existed until just now, but Heaven lived up to its glorious reputation, even though it was a bit more modern than Gerard had expected, but according to Brendon, they were technically in the angel barracks, which were very different from the area where humans went after they died.

But even for a structure built with function in mind instead of beauty, Gerard still found his breath catching in his throat as he gazed at the sweeping architecture. The tall ceilings coupled with numerous stained glass windows and billowing curtains had Gerard's internal interior designer swooning, but that was nothing compared to the winged beings striding to and fro, their varying feathers capturing Gerard's interest even more rapidly than the marble surrounding him.

Gerard's head began spinning as he attempted to comprehend the fact that he was actually in Heaven, with angels breathing the same air he was, and God supposedly somewhere in the nearby vicinity. He suddenly felt the urge to take a moment to draw in a deep inhale, hoping that the sudden rush of oxygen would clear his muddled thoughts, but the opposite seemed to happen, and for a split second, Gerard truly thought he might faint, but a calming touch from Frank helped to ground him once more, and he was able to continue onward with only the faintest tremors wracking his body.

Gerard was still reeling slightly from the portal trip here, which had been terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time, despite the fact that Gerard was slightly disappointed that they weren't able to fly to their destination, but when Ryan had pointed out that they might suffocate in the thinner atmosphere, Gerard had to concede to their logic, and Frank's promise that he would take Gerard into the skies as soon as they had gotten their wings back had mollified his crushed expectations.

Wings - fuck, Gerard was going to have wings, and even though they wouldn't be as beautiful as Brendon's, because apparently demon's appendages were not pleasing to the eye, Gerard was still excited to possess them, although a small part of him felt a pang of jealousy whenever he spied a new set of plumage. Gerard would much rather be an angel than a demon, but it didn't seem like he had much of a choice in the matter.

Gerard hadn't even really considered the implications of everything that was about to happen to him, because despite his assurances to Frank, he had been very doubtful about this entire thing until Brendon and Ryan had arrived, and even then, Frank's words were only just now sinking in fully. The shock of the situation was wearing off as Gerard came to accept that there was so much more to him than just a normal human, allowing a slew of apprehensive emotions to take their place.

Gerard was truly afraid of what it would feel like to be transformed into a demon, because he didn't want to become evil, which is what he had previously assumed demons to be, but after he had voiced his worries to Frank during their short journey to the portal, Frank had promised him that he wouldn't be, swearing that demons could choose to stand with either Heaven or Hell, and Gerard had already made that decision in the life which he couldn't remember, but still, that didn't completely eliminate the coiling tendrils of fear that wrapped around Gerard's stomach whenever he thought about what he would soon be.

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя