5: I Actually "Awwed" Internally While Writing This Chapter

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Mikey rushed away from Gerard as fast as he dared, desperate to escape while he still could. Mikey knew if he let Gerard talk to him for a second longer, he would end up telling him everything, and he couldn't let that happen, he had already broken enough rules today as it was.

Glancing around furtively, Mikey breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't sense anyone else in the nearby area, which meant no one had witnessed his wings, except for Gerard that is, but that was already one person too many.

Mikey had disregarded one of Heaven's few directives by revealing his angel nature to a human, and even though Gerard used to be a demon, he didn't remember anything about the supernatural world, and if he told anyone about this, it could be a disaster.

Only guardian angels were supposed to interact with humans, and even though Mikey happened to be one, they weren't supposed to let anyone but their charges know of their existence, but Mikey didn't have a choice. Gerard would have died if he hadn't done something, and he couldn't just stand idly by when Gerard was in danger, not when it was in his power to do something about it.

Hopefully, with all the strange tidings brought on by the rapidly approaching seventh prophecy, the sighting of a man with wings wouldn't cause too much chaos, and Mikey didn't think Gerard would go to the press with his story, at least, he hoped he wouldn't.

He might tell Frank though, and that could be ruinous. Frank's memories of being an angel were already beginning to bleed through into his dreams, and Mikey was worried about what might happen if he began to remember on his own - his mind could literally break under the strain if the wall blocking his memories wasn't brought down properly.

That meant that Brendon would have to go to Frank soon - very soon, or else they might lose the only hope they had of recruiting Frank back into their ranks. At least this might be the push Brendon needed to finally get this over with, fuck knows he had waited long enough.

Mikey understood why Brendon was hesitant to approach Frank though, and before today, he hadn't minded his reluctance. Frank was Brendon's best friend - or he used to be, and Brendon just wanted Frank to be happy and carefree for as long as possible. Mikey wanted that same thing for both him and Gerard as well, but it was obvious that time was running out much faster than they had anticipated.

Everyone had been telling Brendon that he was putting this off for far too long, but he hadn't listened, and because of that, Gerard had almost died. The prophecy would be broken if that had happened, and it was sheer luck that Mikey had managed to rescue Gerard this time.

Well not exactly luck; Mikey had made it a habit to watch Gerard with the seeing pool in his spare time, because that was the only way he could pretend that he was still a part of his life, and even if Gerard didn't remember him anymore, Mikey would always consider him his older brother.

Mikey missed Gerard terribly, but the fact that he had received a second chance at a life with Frank helped heal the hole his death had left in Mikey's heart. It wasn't sealed entirely though, and he was beginning to think it might never be.

To Mikey, it still felt like just yesterday that he had been on that desert battlefield, and he would never forget the sight of his brother's lifeless body in Frank's arms. Even though fifteen years had passed since then, Mikey didn't feel them, and he still woke up in cold sweats with that horrible image swirling around in his brain.

Mikey had tried to move on - he really had, but his life was tainted without Gerard in it. The things that had once brought him joy only reminded him of his lost brother instead, and Mikey found himself pulling away from everyone to hide the hurt he was still suffering through, even Ray. They were together now, sort of, Mikey didn't like to put a label on it, and he knew he didn't treat Ray as well as he should, but it was impossible for him to give his heart to someone when it was no longer intact.

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