15: In Which David Bowie Is Actually God

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Frank bowed his head instinctually as he entered the room in which God was awaiting him and Gerard, the bright light that always surrounded them blinding Frank's human eyes, forcing him to squint heavily while blinking back tears, an overwhelming sense of awe mingled with fear flowing through him as God's presence rushed over him.

Frank could now recall meeting God on several previous occasions, but this time was different, hell - it was borderline overwhelming, and it was taxing every muscle in Frank's body to continue following behind Brendon as he led him into the middle of the room, a soft sigh of relief escaping Frank's mouth when they finally came to a sudden halt.

Brendon and God exchanged a few words that didn't register in Frank's ears, he was too busy trying to capture the tattered shreds of his composure during the brief interlude he had been graced with, but before Frank was anywhere close to putting himself back together again, Brendon was inclining his head in God's direction, sending Frank a short wave while he exited the room with ground-eating strides.

Frank chanced a glance upward then, curious to see how God would appear to him this time, but he had barely gotten a glimpse of a diminutive child with red hair and freckled cheeks before he had to look away again, the mere sight of God had almost been too much for Frank to handle, and he was overcome with the sudden desire to grovel on the floor and beg forgiveness for any and all sins that he had ever committed during his numerous lifetimes.

"Welcome home my son," God spoke up just then, their melodic voice offsetting a series of tremors in Frank's small frame, and he silently cursed his frail human form that couldn't handle being face to face with God without wanting to break apart.

"Frank..." Gerard whispered from his position behind him, his hand blindly groping for Frank's as he shuffled toward him nervously, "why didn't you tell me that God is David Bowie?" Gerard asked in a hushed tone of voice, his innocent question causing Frank to release a sudden bark of laughter, the pressure in his chest dissipating by a small fraction thanks to his husband relieving the tension that had been threatening to crush it.

"God shows themselves differently to everyone love, but they aren't actually David Bowie," Frank chuckled fondly, leaning back into Gerard slightly, the warmth against his shoulder grounding him as well as giving him the strength to greet God, who was staring down at them with a soft smile on their lips.

"I thought you might enjoy this version of me," God smiled, inclining his head in Gerard's direction, leaving Frank to physically pry Gerard's fingers from his own to prevent his bones from being crushed as Gerard mumbled out something unintelligible.

"God," Frank spoke up, clearing his throat harshly before continuing, "I just wanted to say thank you for everything you did for Gerard and I, it means more to me than I can ever explain with words," Frank stammered out weakly, his eyes burning harshly as God focused their attention his way, enhancing the powerful effects of being in their vicinity that Frank was still struggling with.

"You deserved it Frank, and it warms my heart that you got to spend some happy years with your true love, but now Heaven needs your help once more, and we must ask you to put your humanity aside in order to aid us." God's face morphed into a solemn expression as they spoke, and Frank realized that God was upset, regretful even, and it was all for them. The epiphany released a sudden spike of fear in Frank's chest, but he ignored it when God continued speaking. "This is your last chance to change your mind, and if you so wish, I will send you back to Earth to live out whatever time this planet has left."

"No - we want to help," Gerard cut in, the wavering quality to his voice doing nothing to diminish the determination emitting off of him, "right Frank?" Gerard queried, gazing over at Frank with a nervous look plastered on his face.

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora