28: Place Faith In Falsities

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Eventually the small group comprised of the healers Billie Joe had gathered as well as Gerard and Frank made it off of the beach onto smoother ground. Gerard used the utmost care when Billie motioned for him to lie Frank down, not wanting to add to the pain that Frank was already in by jostling him about unnecessarily.

Frank shivered slightly as Gerard watched attentively, his damaged body trembling as if it missed the warmth Gerard had provided him with. Gerard wanted to ask if he could pick Frank back up again, maybe place him in his lap so he would be more comfortable, and also because not being able to feel Frank's heartbeat had Gerard on edge and shaky, but before he could speak, the healers began making a circle around Frank, bringing their glowing hands down to touch any spot of exposed skin that they could reach.

Gerard watched nervously from the sidelines, wishing that he could do more to help instead of being a silent observer, but demons had no skill in healing anyone but themselves, even now he could feel the lacerations on his back starting to knit together again, although the numerous burns he had received didn't seem to be improving just yet.

Billie Joe was the last to join the ring, kneeling down by Gerard's side before placing his palm in the center of Frank's chest, his fingers glowing with the light blue sheen that signified angel magic was taking place. Gerard bit his lip as Billie Joe nodded toward the others surrounding him, signaling them to begin the process that would hopefully bring Frank back from the brink of death.

Gerard watched avidly for any sign of improvement as the seconds ticked by, but besides a few minute changes including a bit of his hair growing back and a few of his smaller wounds disappearing, Gerard couldn't pick out any visible difference in Frank's condition.

These things probably took time though Gerard reminded himself, his own experience with healing hadn't been instantaneous, but Gerard had always thought that was because he was a demon. He briefly recalled that when Billie Joe had mended Frank's wing it had been a quick process, but maybe knitting bones was easier than erasing burns.

Gerard had no idea how any of this worked, but he did know that Frank didn't look any better and that Billie Joe's face was scrunching up in worry, neither of which were a good sign.

"Billie...is something wrong?" Gerard asked quietly, not wanting to disrupt his friend's concentration but also needing to know what was occurring with Frank.

"I - I am not sure yet," Billie Joe muttered in reply, never taking his eyes off of Frank even when addressing Gerard. "His injuries are very severe, so I am not surprised that the healing process isn't as swift as usual, but he should have at least regained consciousness by now."

"Hey," a new voice spoke from behind them, startling Gerard so badly that he couldn't stop himself from jumping in an embarrassing fashion, a blush staining his cheeks when he saw that it was just Brendon and Ryan, the latter of which was clutching his bleeding arm to his chest, but they were alive and smiling at least. "How is Frank doing?" Brendon queried, wrapping his arm around Ryan when the taller man leaned into his side heavily.

"I don't know, but he's fighting just like he promised he would," Gerard replied softly, settling back on his heels so he could keep up his vigil in a slightly more comfortable position.

"That's good, he's going to make it Gerard, he wouldn't leave you behind," Brendon reassured him, his eyes dancing over the healers who were still hard at work to their right. "Do you want to get yourself healed while they're busy with Frank? There is another team by the tents that are taking care of the worst injuries, and you look like you're about to pass out."

"No," Gerard shook his head stubbornly, threading his fingers tightly through Frank's prone ones as he spoke before pulling his hand away when he remembered how burned his husband's appendages were. "I've got to stay with him, and the last time I was healed by Holy Fire I was out of it for ages, so I'd rather not risk it. I'll mend on my own eventually."

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