Slip And Surrender

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When we arrive, the party is already in full swing. Callie is eager to mingle, but I have no interest. She tries to submerse herself in the archaic traditions of binge drinking and blending in with the collage masses. As hard as she tries she doesn't blend in, she stands out from the collective body of girls. Their was just something about the way her dress hugged every curve just right and how her long dark wavy hair fell neatly over her collar bone. I snapped out of my haze just in time to see that Callie was already surrounded by a group of guys. Focused even more now I wasn't use to seeing her like this, she had never worn anything this sexy before. She had made the comment earlier about wanting to look more mature for the party. I won't deny that she is the most beautiful girl in the room, but seeing her like this, it was clear Callie was a woman and every guy in here took notice. I stood there and watched as she lingered by the keg and it made me green to see all of those frat guys fawning all over her. Most of all I hated acting like the jealous boyfriend when I was no longer allowed to play that role. A tall guy with a buzzcut and a letter jacket tried to slip his arm around her shoulders. Callie stepped back a little but didn't retreat.

It was only when his hands started to move south that I decided to step in and say "Callie we should probably get going."

Buzzcut buts in and says "Whats the rush dude?"

"Don't worry about it Dude" I reply sharply.

"Callie jumps in to say 'Brandon I'm fine."

"Well, I want to go and Im not leaving her without you." I reply more vocal now.

"Don't worry we will make sure she gets home safe." Buzzcut says with a smirk.

"Im sure you will."I reply intending to be a smart ass.

Callie can sense that I'm about to loose it so she concedes."Ok brandon, lets go."

Buzzcut chirps in and says "Oh baby, don't leave yet."

Just then I turn to Callie and she can see the anger in my eyes, she knows its time to make our exit. As we turn to walk away, buzzcut grabs Callie's arm and tries to swing her around. Immediately I see red and loose it."Don't you dare touch her." I say coming within inches of the guys face.

He looks at me with a twisted grin and says"Don't worry bro, she's in good hands."

I'm livid now and I step even closer and say "Im not your bro, dude." The next thing I know I was swinging hard and my knuckles stung as thy collided with the guys face. As buzzcut hits the floor Callie grabs me and pulls me back into the crowd . We make our way through the sea of drunken bodies and run for the car.

The ride to the hotel was frozen in silence. I could tell she was pissed, but I was pissed too. We pull into the parking lot and she turns to me and says "Brandon what was that about?"

"Those guys weren't exactly interested in polite conversation, Callie." I reply.

" I can take care of myself Brandon, and if we had not made a run for it you would have a lot more than bruised knuckles." She replies in anger.

"What ever Callie,  I could totally have taken that guy." I reply sure of myself.

"Maybe Brandon, but what about the rest of the fraternity?" She says with more concern than anger this time.

  "Ok Callie, point taken, you're on your own. Have fun fending off the douchebags next year."

What does that mean?"

I'm out of the car now and walking toward my room, and Callie is trailing behind.

"Answer me brandon, what did you mean by that?" she pushes.

I turn to face her and I'm so angry that it all comes out "It means this is it Callie! their is no way in hell I would go to this college with you."

"Why not?" She says in a tone with hints at anger and sadness.

"Do you really have to ask Callie?" I say

"Yes, brandon, Why?" She insiste.

"Because... We can't even be in the same room together without me wanting to beat up some guy who is to close to you.

"Brandon, Stop!" she says.

"No Callie! you want to know why so here it is...We are no good for each other." I say louder now.

"You don't mean that!" She replies.

"I do Callie, the truth is I can't be your brother or your friend and still keep my sanity. You're like a freaking drug Callie, one minute you give me the biggest high but then comes the crash that never ceases." As soon I get the chance I'm out of here" I say releasing everything that has been pent up for months.

"Brandon, I don't know what to say. I can't give you what you want, but I still need you in my life," She says letting the tears come now.

"Thats to bad Callie, because I need to look out for myself for once." I say with a sigh and then I turn and walk away, back to my room. Callie does the same and I hear her door slam violently. Pacing back and forth with such anger I decide to take a shower to calm down. As I let the stream of water wash over me I think about what will come next. I not so convincingly tell myself that this has to end, this miserable cycle of pain and angst. When I turn the shower off I can her rain beat against the tin roof of the building. I love the rain,  it has a way of calming me. I quickly dry off and throw on some bottoms. I fall onto the bed and just lye there in the dark thinking how their could have been no alternative to tonights events. In this moment I want to just disappear and leave all of the drama behind. I listen as the rain becomes more violent now, beating against the window pane. Just as I was starting to drift off,  I was startled by a knock at the door. I got up and swung the door open, not knowing who would be behind it. I am surprised when I see her there completely drenched, shivering  with mascara running down her cheeks. "What the hell Callie, what are you doing in the pouring rain." I say.

"She stops me and speaks "Brandon, you think you're not my drug? I live off of the high that our memories provide. I know that loving you is wrong and still I do. I choose you in my dreams and every time our eyes meet. I love you Brandon."

I want so bad to shut the door and tell her to go back to her room, that we have to end this cycle, but seeing her standing there soaking wet in the shadow of the door frame I second guess that choice. "Callie I can't let you do this to me again." I say sounding more sure than I actually am.

She looks at me, tears now mixed with the flow of rain running down her face and says "Ok,  I understand Brandon."

Just as she  turns to run back to her room, I reach down and catch her hand. Looking deep into her eye's, I pull her close and say "Damn it! Callie, I just can't quit you."

"Then don't." She replies with a deep hunger in her eyes, kicking the door shut behind her. Her clothes are stuck to her skin but layer by layer I remove them as we crash into each other, and fall back on to the bed. She is soaking wet and I spend the right amount of time kissing the raindrops from her skin. With each kiss I taste that pineapple, I lather it up and let it quench my thirst. We are more impatient then before, wondering hands and kisses in all of the right spots, lead to joyful sighs and moans of forbidden fruit being consumed. She wraps her legs around me and arches to perfection. I inhale her scent, taken in every part of her beautiful body. We writhe with passion, making waves in the white sheets. No words are spoken, but yes's are exchanged through the eyes. We don't hold back as her fingers wonder through tangled strands of my hair and I lay kisses in the spot between her aching chest. We live in the moment , I excel at pleasing her and we thrive through the night. I don't want to think about what comes in the morning hours, I want to make this last forever. After hours of blissful touches and consuming thrust, we surrender to sleep.

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