Thank You All So Much!

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I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate everyone that read my first fanfiction. I'm so amazed that I reached 1000 reads in under two weeks. You guys have no idea how excited this makes me and it really motivates me to keep writing. For the longest time I had lost my passion for writing and I was always so afraid to publish anything for fear of ridicule. I was so terrified that I would be told I have no talent in this craft and that would mean that all of my teachers and professors where not being honest with me. I finally became so inspired to write my first fic when The Fosters came to its summer finale and I've been so inspired to keep that story going. You all have been so amazing and encouraging and your comments have been so wonderful. The main reason I wanted to join Wattpad in the first place was to receive constructive criticism and I appreciate anyone who will give me that. I enjoy reading everyone's stories and learning from your techniques and style of writing. Please keep commenting so I can become better at writing. Thank you all for being such amazing individuals.

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