N.B 15

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Rainier's POV

The week went by really quick. With every day that passed, the tension in my stomach heightened. Sebastian called on Wednesday to ask if I was available on Saturday. I couldn't say no. Lying didn't come naturally to me. I had nothing planned on Saturday night so I said yes.

I still didn't know how I felt about the date. I wasn't excited. I was more like nervous. I hadn't been on a first date in a while. The last date I'd been on was with someone I knew and loved. Everything had been natural. There hadn't been moments of awkward silence or shy comments.

I didn't know much about Sebastian. I didn't know what he liked or didn't like. I doubted he knew much about me either. I guess the majority of the date would be us getting to know each other, which was scary to say the least. What if he found out things about me that he didn't like? What if I found out things about him that I didn't like? What if he was really quiet and let me do the talking? I wasn't that talkative either!

It was easier getting to know someone in an informal setting. Dates felt like interviews if you didn't know the person.

Throughout the week I'd gotten to know Ryan subtly, and I learned more every day. We talked more in class and walked together, much to Julie's dislike. Even though I told her about our conversation at the hardware store (leaving out the rape accusation), in her eyes his reputation was damaged.

On Thursday afternoon I was walking to my car afterschool. Ryan was with me. Julie had stayed behind because she'd joined the drama club. I could paint, Julie could act.

"So, are you joining any clubs? The final day is tomorrow", I said to Ryan.

"Nope", he said popping his 'p'.

"Why not? Find nothing appealing?" I asked.

"You could say that", he said.

"There must be something you like", I said.

He just looked at me.


He shook his head.


He shook his head.


He shook his head again.

"There's a fundraising club"

He shook his head.

"Do you like anything?"

He seemed to be thinking and then he chuckled.

"Is that a yes or no?" I asked.

"I do like something, and that does not require joining a club. I like music by the way, not the kind they play here. I also like photography and soccer", he said.

"Well, there's a..." I said and he cut in.

"I work, remember? I don't have time to be in any club", he said.

"Do you work every day?" I asked as we got to my car.

He nodded.

"Do you have to work?" I asked without thinking.

He gave me a stony look. "Yeah", he said. He looked at my car. "I don't have rich parents to spoil me with a car and everything I want".

I felt like apologizing, but what would I be apologizing for?

"So, did you join any clubs?" he asked. He was in good spirits again.

"Yeah, fundraising", I said.

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