N.B 10

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Ryan's POV

My uncle was of course mad I sneaked out to the party he'd told me not to go to. He gave me a speech and I pretended to listen. As punishment, he said I had to now work on Fridays and Saturdays. That meant I worked Monday-Saturday. I hated it of course and protested. He didn't want to hear a word I said. I was so mad I didn't even feel like showing up to work on Monday at all.

Monday started out okay. The tension in the house had dissipated a little. My uncle gave me a lift to school and I appreciated it. He said he would see me later at the store and I just nodded. I still hadn't made a decision on whether I would show up at all.

"Ryan my man, how are you this lovely morning?"

I turned around just in time to see Pete put his arm around my shoulders. The rest of the guys were with him. We were standing at the lockers before first period.

"Hey guys", I said.

We bumped shoulders.

"Wicked party you had man", I said to Pete.

"You disappeared on us!" he said.

"Oh I know where he went", Bolt said. My breath caught in my throat. Did he see me with Rainier? "How was that Gina chick?" he said.

I almost visibly sighed in relief.

"She was okay", I said simply.

"Don't be shy man. The girls aren't here!" It was Jason.

I shrugged. "She was alright, not the best thing I've tasted".

The guys laughed loudly, garnering a couple of stares. Truthfully, I could vaguely remember my time with Gina. I'd been heavily intoxicated by then. I wasn't even sure we had sex.

"How many have you tasted?" Bolt asked.

"A couple", I said.

The guys all started laughing and making noises like it was a big deal. They seemed to be envious. I guess they were getting tired of being tied down by their girlfriends. I had slightly exaggerated the truth. I hadn't slept with a lot of girls. I could count all of them on one hand. I wasn't easily tempted by sex.

"Hey Ryan, walk with us", Pete said after all the hype.

"My class is the other way", I said.

"Yeah, we just wanna say something where we have a little privacy", Pete said.

He started walking, pulling me with him. The guys followed. We found an empty spot in the corridor near a class.

"What's up?" I said when we stopped.

"Remember what we talked about on Friday?" Pete said.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"We've decided on what you should do", Jason said.

"Now now, not all of you at once", I said showing my annoyance. I was eager to know what they had in mind.

Pete chuckled, but then he grew serious. "We want you to get a book for us".

"You've met Rain right? Tall guy with long wavy black hair? He's in your class", Jesse said.

Where on earth was this going? Did they know what happened between us? Did they know how I felt- correction- had felt about him?

"Yeah", I nodded.

"Of course you do. I saw you with him at the party", Pete said.

"Yeah, I know him", I said.

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