The Necklace

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Three Days Later
Thranduil had not returned for the Lonely Mountain. Fínor and I ran the kingdom but it was hard to concentrate. Legolas was always hungry and at night I barely slept. I wanted Legolas by my side all the time so Fínor and I made a front carrier so he was with me. Finale I heard footsteps and a loud voice
"Where is my queen?" Thranduil had come home. I was sitting in my throne when he walked into the throne room. Fínor stood my side. Thranduil walked towards and gasped. He saw the small bundle tied to my front.
"I have a child."
"That has been waiting for his father. Why did you leave?" Thranduil walked slowly towards me and replying
"I had to go. I didn't want to but I had to." I turned to Fínor.
"Fínor told me that you had no interest in our child." Thranduil's eyes flared. It was only two days ago that Fínir had said some terrible things about Thranduil. Now Fínor stood trembling in front of the king.
"Guards!" Two came running,
"Take this elf out of my sight, before I do something!" The guards dragged Fínor away.
"Ellarian, I am so sorry. Please forgive me!" I walked toward him and replied
"You are forgive Thranduil. Would you like to see your son?" Thranduil's eyes lit up.
"I have a son?" I gently pulled Legolas out of the carrier and handed him to Thranduil.
"Legolas." Thranduil held Legolas close to him and pulled me close. I was lost in the kiss for a long time. We finale pulled away.
"His has your blue eyes and blonde hair, Thranduil." He smiled and kissed Legolas.
"Let's go to our room."

In our room Thranduil sat down on the bed with Legolas while I sat with Tauriel on a chair.
"Why were you at the Lonely Mountain?" Thranduil had a mysterious smile on his face. Legolas started to cry so I handed him Tauriel and took Legolas.  I started feed Legolas and Thranduil replied
"I am having a necklace made for some one." I smiled and Thranduil started to tickle Tauriel. She shrieked and laughed. I smiled and gently lifted Legolas up and placed him over my shoulder.

One Year Later

Legolas was walking around the throne room with Tauriel. They were chasing each other. I laughed and Thranduil took my hand and squeezed it. I smiled at him and placed my hand on my stomach. Another child was on the way.

That night I woke up and found myself in a pool of wet. I flung off the covers and saw a pool of blood. Then I covered my mouth with my hand. Thranduil sat up and asked
"Ella what is.....". He stopped when he saw the pool of blood. I was trembling and tears dripped down my face. Thranduil pulled me close and picked me up.
"Let's go."
In the healer's room I was told I couldn't have any more children. The look on Thranduil's face broke my heart. I wanted to get up but the healer pushed me down.
"Didn't move my lady." I closed my eyes and slipped out of the pain into the world a sleep.

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