The Walk

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Friday took forever to come around. I was half afraid he would not turn up or that he had forgotten me. But there was only one way to find out.
Early Friday morning, I sent out of my walk. I was very happy that the sun was shining and it was spring. Flowers grew up in between roots of the trees and out of rocks. The tree leaves were pale green, which as the light filter through, cast a green light on the forest floor. The water in the streams, happily bubbled over pebbles and under moss covered logs. My heart and body were filled with a peaceful joy.
"I was wondering when I would find you." I turned around to face Thranduil. My hands went to my dark green dress, as I tried to brush off the leaves and dirt. Thranduil gently took my hands and I stopped and dropped into a bow. He laughed lightly and said
"Ellarian, it is just me." I rose and looked into his eyes. Then I smiled and replied
"Indeed my lord, but you are still a prince.." Thranduil sighed and walked. I followed him and he replied slowly
"Yes, I maybe prince, but I would prefer if you called me Thranduil and treated me like a friend." I nodded and replied
"Okay..... Thranduil." He smiled.

We walked for sometime and I found out a lot about him. I found myself falling in love with the handsome prince. We finally came to the end of the road and we stopped outside the gates.
"May I see you again, next Friday?" Thranduil asked. I nodded.
"I will be waiting." I replied. Then he smiled and walked in through the gates.

40 Friday walks later
Thranduil stood by the same tree where we met every Friday morning. I ran towards him and he opened his arms to me. I ran junto hither and he picked me up and swung me around. We both laughed and Thranduil gently placed me back on my feet.
"Good morning Ellarian." I smiled and replied
"Good morning Thranduil." He took my hand and we walked towards the palace.
"I am going to ask my parents today." I looked at him curiously.
"Ask them what?" My heart beat grew stronger.
"For their permission to marry you." I bite on my lip.
"Are you sure today is the day?" Thranduil nodded and we walked into the palace.

"You what!" Shouted Oropher at Thranduil. The queen was pale and Thranduil repeated
"I wish to marry Ellarian." Oropher got up out of his throne and said in cold voice
"Never ask that question again, Thranduil. My answer until the day I die is NO!!" His voice echoed around the palace. Thranduil looked at me, but I turned and walked out of the room.

I sat down in my chair by the window. A soft breeze flowed in and blew wisps of my hair out of my face. I took a deep breath. I had known in my heart that Thranduil's parent would say no, but I had held onto hope, but it had failed. I went into the bathroom and started letting the warm water into the wooden tub.

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