Not My Hemlet

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We ran lightly after the king. Thranduil shouted an order and we are grabbed an arrow and fitted in to the strings of our bows. Then we fired, all at the same time. Orcs fell like rain. Then we were too close for arrows. Thrnaduil shouted again and we drew out our daggers, then the orcs hit us like rocks. I was surrounded with only Lewood watching my back. We both stabbed and slashed our way towards  the king and prince. I was very close to the king when a huge Orc stood in my path. He had a long sword on one hand and a mace in the other. I jumped out of the way just as his mace came down. That was when my style of fighting changed. I usual fight like a soldier, but I could fight like a prince or king. I leaped and did a backflip out of the way of his sword. I was quick and lithe. My daggers turned neatly in my hand and with one stroke the Orc fell at the king's feet.
"Ellarian! What a surprise! What about less showing off in front of my son and fighting like a soldier?" I had no idea that Thranduil had been watching. I smiled at the king and shouted
"Duck!" The king dropped down and my dagger hit an Orc in the head. I lightly placed my hands on the king's back and backflip and grabbed my dagger at the same time. Then I heard a cry from Oropher.
"Thranduil, watch out!" I turned to see the prince, fighting like a king. But I could see an Orc racing towards him and I quickly ran towards him. I blocked the orc's sword. I slipped and hit the ground. Thranduil turned around just it time. The Orc was about to kill him. Just, but Thranduil's quick and flowing movement with his sword stopped that. Another Orc came racing towards me and kicked off my helmet.
"Meet your death in the face, elf!" I smiled at him and replied
"Not this time!" My dagger plunged into his stomach. Then I jumped to my feet and turned around to face Thranduil. He looked at me curiously. Oh no, my helmet lay on the ground next to me. He could see I was a girl.
"I did not know that my father had female soldiers in his army." I sighed with relief and picked up my helmet. Thranduil smiled and at me and said
"Thank you. I own my life." I shook my head and replied
"No my lord. It is my duty." Thranduil took my helmet and gently placed it on my head.
"Still, may I have your name?" I smiled and back stabbed an Orc and said
"Ellarian." Thranduil smiled and replied
"I am Thranduil."
"Son of King Oropher, great king of Greenwood." I added. Then the orcs surrounded us. Thranduil whipped out his other sword and I tightened my grip on my daggers. Then we attacked. Our beautiful, smooth movements were nearly the same. Then the orcs suddenly took off. I could see that Riverndell elves had come. Thranduil turned to me and asked
"When can I see you again?" I looked at him and replied
"My free days are every Friday." Thranduil smiled and replied
"Where can I meet you?" I bite on my lip and replied slowly
"I walked on the Old Forest rode, every morning on Fridays." He replied
"I will see you then, Ellarian." The he walked away.

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