The Solider

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Life can be boring as solider. Especially if you have to pretend to be a male. I have to hide all the time, but it does help that the king knows. He makes sure no one finds out. My day is the same. Get up, get dressed, a light breakfast, training, lunch, exercise, dinner, watch the gate, bed and then it starts over again. I can use all weapons but I prefer daggers over a bow. On my days off, I go for walks through Greenwood or go shopping. Not that I like shopping or that I need to. The king provides everything that I need. I have a small house right next to the palace which no ones comes to. No one the queen of Greenwood, Queen Enna. She is very kind and loving to me and I feel at home with her.
My name is Ellarian LeafWood and I have blonde hair and pointed ears. My eyes are green and I am tall and strong. My parents left for the Grey Havens after I was born, leaving me in the forest to die. An elf took me and I was trained to be a solider for the king. I will say that I enjoy being an solider. Even if it is boring, I am at home with a bow in one hand or a dagger. Fighting is a way I can be myself.
This is my story and I will tell it. No one else can tell this story but me and this is the story of my life. And my story starts on a day like this........
The sun was shining brightly through the trees. It was my day off so I went for a walk. The light was casting green shine onto the forest floor. I had only told one person were I was going. My good friend, Lewood. He was soldier and was the only that knew I was female elf. He was some one I could trust and rely on.
"Ella, Ella!!!" I heard Lewood's familiar voice cry, echoing around. He was the only one who called me Ella. Everyone else calls me, Nildir, my male name.
"Lewood, what is wrong?" Lewood rode up to me and tossed me my battle gear.
"The king is going to aid the elves of Lothlorien. They are under attack. The king needs all his best elves." Which I was one of. I grabbed my helmet and pulled it on and quickly slipped into my armour. I strapped on my daggers and quiver and held onto my bow.
"How do I look?" I asked, hoping that I looked like a male. Lewood grinned and replied
"Like one of us." I rolled my eyes and got up behind him. The horse took off towards the palace.

We arrived just in time. It was my lucky day, apart from having my day off wrecked. King Oropher was riding his elk wearing battle clothes. Then I saw his son, Prince Thranduil riding on an elk, behind him also dressed in battle gear. I gasped. I had never seen the prince and he took my breath away. His silver blonde hair flowed down his back, which matched perfectly with his grey and silver battle gear. He had ice blue eyes and he was tall. I could see two long swords by his side, just like his father. Lewood nudged my arm and whispered
"The prince is single." I punched him, hard, on the arm. He just grinned and then king turned to us. We all straighten up and stared right at him. The king looked at me straight away and gave a small nod, in which I gave a small smile in reply.
"Thank you all for coming. As you may know, our kin in Lothlorien are under attack by the orcs of Mordor. We are going to aid them. Let us go!" He rode in the front leading the way. We are marched after the king and the prince, who ride just behind his father.
It was a long walk. I mean long. It took us three days to get there. To be honest, I thought that be the time we got there, all of the Lothlorien would be dead. Anyway the only way I kept up, was be looking at Prince Thranduil who was riding ahead. He was so handsome and tall. I could also see courage and kindness in his face.
On day three, I could hear the slashing of swords and the screams of death. King Oropher stopped and turned to us.
"For Middle Earth!" Then he charged. We ran lightly after him.

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