shock therapy//9//.

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Okie dokie, so here we go! Let me know what you think and what not. If you have any questions feel free to ask! (:


"Shit." You mumbled as your bare foot accidentally slammed into the wall. Of course, there was no pain of stubbing your toe, but when you glanced down you could see a slight dent in the wall where your foot had slipped. You frowned in distaste and continued to try and pull your jeans on in the small bathroom.

As you were buckling your belt you heard a voice from the other side of the door, "[Name]?"

"Give me a second!" You called back and grabbed your tank top. With quick movements, you pulled it on over your head, grabbed your hospital gown off the sink, and then marched out of the bathroom. Sora stood by your bed and his eyes widened when he saw you wearing your old clothes.

"Are you getting sent home?" Sora questioned.

"No." You replied and threw the gown into a basket in the corner, "I'm just sick of wearing that damn thing. What's up, Sora?"

He shook his head then lifted his phone, "Just waiting for a call. Roxas said he'd call me back." You nodded once and then sat down on the floor by your bed so you could pull your leather boots on. Sora shifted his weight and crouched down beside you, "You should call them."

You paused before pulling on your second boot. It had been a week since you first checked into the hospital and not too much had really changed. Everyone was still clueless as your what was going on with your body and nobody had any ideas on how to get a sample of your blood to test. The only thing that had really changed was the number of people who knew your secret. House's boss, Dr. Foreman, had ripped him a new one the second day you were in the hospital for taking on a patient who wasn't technically considered sick, aka you. The Wilson guy had been in the office too and you had to admit it was a little funny watching House get reprimanded. At least, it was until House pulled out a pocketknife and stabbed you. That led to more showcases of your supposed invincibility, which meant the cat was out of the bag. The upside was that now you were completely welcome at the hospital rather than hiding from Foreman. He was just as curious as to what the hell was up with you too.

What hadn't changed over the past week was the number of calls you were sending up to the Tower. That was still a big zero. What exactly were you supposed to say? You didn't want to lie to them anymore, but you couldn't tell them you were in the hospital. They would fly down and see what a freak you were. You wanted to tell them your secret, but you wanted to do it on your own terms.

"I will." You said firmly and pulled your second boot onto your foot, "Eventually."

Sora sighed and stood back up, "I'm going to get some breakfast. You wanna come?"

"Nah, I got something I want to see first." You answered and Sora narrowed his eyes at you. You gave him a grin, which he sighed at again before nodding and leaving the room. You could eat later when you were a little hungrier. Right now you wanted to check on a few things.

Your room had gotten changed so you were no longer right next door to House's office, but instead you were on a different floor entirely. Still, it didn't take long for you to make your way upstairs. Both offices were empty at the moment, but the door to the larger office was unlocked. You stepped in and glanced around quickly before settling your eyes on the white board.

House had this white board in the room that he wrote on all the time. The first words on the board were 'Invincible old lady', but a lot had been added over the past week. There were portions of the board that had electronic text displayed and other spots where they had used a marker to scribble their thoughts. It was a jumbled mess of medical terms, but you got the gist of it. It helped that a lot of the stuff had been explained to you as the tests went along.

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