A War on the Elements Pt.10

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Chapter 10


I sit up from my bed so fast that my head hit something hard. I hear a loud THUNK and hear lauging. i finnally ajust, I see Alek in the doorway on the floor laughing so hard he's gasping for air and pointing at something below my bed. I look over the edgeof my bed. Kai is sitting on the floor rubbing her forehead.

"What the heck man!!" she yells

I sat back in my bed rubbing my head wher I hit Kai. " It was just a dream" I mutter to myself in relief.

"What?" asks Kai but I can barley hear her over Aleks laughs, which have died down a little bit.

"Nothing" I reply quickly.

"Well get dressed and meet us in the training area." Kai says getting off the floor and walking out dragging Alek behind her.

I put a pair of jeans on, a dark green Nintendo shirt, and a brown sweatshirt. I walked out not the hallway and walked to the training area.

The airbender boy ran up to me and swung himself into a piggy-back with such force he spun me around.

"Greetings Ecron!!" He yelled excitedly clinging to my neck.

"Hey Honey" I said adjusting him on my back, I don't actually know his real name he just told me to call him Honey. Alek ran up and snatched Honey off my back and held him over his head as Honey screamed and laughed. Alek put Honey down, Honey shot a huge gust of wind at Alek throwing him, he hit the mat covered wall with a thud. Honey started laughing his head off.

"Oww! That hurt!" I heard Alek yell from across the room.

Then Kai ran into the room, headphones hanging around her neck. "What the spirits?!"

Sensi walked into the room, over the few days that I have been here I have learned that Sensi has almost no sense of humor which ment he hated Alek as much as a bad stance (which Alek also has) so Alek sprang up and ran to where we stood. We all bowed to the Sensi and greeted him, he greeted us to.

"We got a warning from a spy we sent to infiltrate the non-bender rebellion, he sent us a telegram that Theodore is planing an air attack on this building." Sensi

"So what happens now?" I asked

"You must be relocated." Said Sensi

"To where?" Kai asked

"To a remote forest where we have a secret base, you and your friends will take a plane to it and you will stay there until this whole thing blows over." Answered Sensi. "Now start to pack"

We started to walk back to our rooms silently.

"What's a telegram?" Asked Honey.

" I think it's kind of like an email but older." Said Kai

All of a sudden Kajaa ran around the corner, Alek caught her by the arm. "I SLEPT LATE!!!!!!" She yelled.

"Kajaa, you missed it." Said Alek, followed by Kajaa groaning with disappointment. "We have to leave, Theodore is planing an attack."

"Awwwww I wanna go." She said slouching

"Your on the plane after them" said General Sokka.

"Yay!!!!" Yelled Kajaa.

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