War on the Elements pt.7

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I am so sorry i haven't been posting not nearly as much as i sould, but school and stuff got in the way but i've been working on the story lately so here's the next chapter


P.S. my odessey of the mind team is going to the worlds tournament!! i feel like Korra, Mako and Bolin when they got into the finals!!! :D


Chapter 7


The girl was beautiful about our age, she had Carmel skin, her blue eyes looked beautiful with the color of her skin, she had long dark brown hair that could have been black, she was slim but not a stick like some girls, she wore yoga pants and a turquoise tank top with some boy band on it. Alek seemed to rather like her he was staring at her his mouth opened.

"Hi my names Kajaa," She said putting her hand on her hip "sorry for attacking you, I get jumpy sometimes."

" It's ok," I said " no ones hurt."

" What are your guy's names?" Said Kajaa

" I'm Ecron"

"I'm Kai"

"Umm, uh, I'm, umm" Alek stuttered his face turning the color of his shirt.

" he's Alek" I said slapping him on the back.

"I love the fire ferrets!" Kajaa exclaimed pointing to Alek's shirt. His face turned even redder. "Who's your favorite?

"I-I like M-Mako" he said staring at his shoes.

" Me too!" She said enthusiastically " But I like Korra more."

" you should meet Alek's fire ferret" I said, Kajaa's eyes widened

"Indeed," said Ecron

"You have a fire ferret!" She yelled excitedly "I've always wanted to see one!"

"Yeah" Alek said "I'll show you." He lead Kajaa out of the room.

" It's getting late," said General Sokka "and you're all probably tiered from the flight. There's a pro-bending match tonight you guys can watch it if you like. I'm a big fan myself."

"That sounds awesome!" I said excitedly.

We walked to the area where our rooms are, we walked past our rooms to a door. We walked into the room. It was a small room with a huge flat-screen TV on the wall to our right and a long powder blue couch along the opposite wall and there was a cabinet opposite of us. The General handed Ecron the remote, and walked out. I sat on the couch and Ecron opened the cabinet, there where snacks like Doritos, Cheetos, popcorn and fire flakes. Ecron picked up a bag of Doritos and a box of fire flakes. He sat down next to me, he turned on the TV. The announcer announced the two teams.

"Introducing the Turtle-ducks verses the Polarbear-dogs!!!" The announcer said.

"Go Polarbear-dogs!" I said, I don't really watch a lot of pro-bending but I like Polarbear-dogs and they're doing pretty well.

The match started, the Polarbear-dogs strike first, the Turtle-ducks got pushed back but they rebounded the earthbender for the Turtle-ducks hit the waterbender for the Polarbear-dogs right in the stomach and he flew al the way to zone three. The match was almost over and the Polarbear-dogs can only win by a knock out. I looked at Ecron, who had a Dorito in the palm of his good hand, all of a sudden the Dorito was gone in a whoof of flame. I looked back at the TV and the Polarbear-dogs won. Then the screen went to static I looked at Ecron, he looked back worried, then the leader of the non-benders came on the screen. Theodore. He had green eyes and short blonde hair that was spiked, he's no more than 18 and he's already leading millions of people.

"Greetings, I am Theodore, leader of the next great generation of humans I strive to destroy all benders, especially the avatar. My father spent his whole life trying to find the avatar, and when he did she killed him. I have come closer to finding the next avatar and her friends." Three drawings of Alek, Ecron and I came on screen. "If you see these three people or know where they are call the non-benders association for finding the avatar." The screen went black, Ecron turned off the TV.

We looked at each other, Ecron's eyes wide with fear and concern and anger.

A War on the Elements ( An Avatar Last Airbender fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now