Chapter 13 - Explanations

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Alright, deep breaths. You need to do this. I was currently sitting in my hotel room in Beijing, worrying about something important I needed to do. Normally, if something like that worried me, I would just shrug it off, and throw a water balloon at someone's face. But today, I needed to worry about so many other things. We needed to talk. Otherwise, our relationship would go down into the garbage can! Alright, here goes.. I picked up the phone and dialed the number. Screw long distance fees, Sheppo can pay for them! The phone rang a few times, until it was finally picked up.



There was a moment of silence, until my mother finally spoke.'

"Alright, LISTEN UP! This is NO time for prank calling me today! And if you teens think it is funny to pretend you are my daughter, then you're BLOODDY WR-"

"MOM! It's ME! Arianne!"

Another long moment of silence. By now, you could probably see why I am so stubborn. 

"Prove it."

I sighed. " My name is Arianne.. Sigh.. Marie Parker. I am 16 years old. I was born on Dece-"

"Anyone could read that off of Facebook. Tell me... What is your favourite colour Arianne?"

Damn... My mom is one smart cookie!

" I don't HAVE a favourite colour.."

" Oh hi honey!"

WTF!?! Mood swing much? She went from pissy to sweet , in less than a second. THAT'S impressive.

" Hi mom."

"How are you sweetie?"

" I'm okay I guess.."

"How's your leg?"

I moved it around, while talking. " It doesn't hurt as much now... But I still feel pain every once in a while. The pink cast is freaking annoying though! I spray painted it white. I couldn't stand to keep it pink.."

There was silence again, becauce we were both thinking about the same thing.. Ashton.

Ashton Miller was born on the same day as me, same year, but about an hour before me. My mother and his met while they caught a glimpse of their child in the nursery. They talked about how coincidental our birth dates were. After that, they exchanged e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and walked away. We saw each other almost once every week, and became closer friends. We both entered pre-school together, holding each other's hand. When the little boys threw sand on my little red dress, Ashton would run after them, and make them apologize. We stuck together all the time. Then, many years later, we were in middle school. He became nerdy and pimply, while I became athletic and popular, but we still hung out, and talked about how our lives were.Then, one day, he disappeared for a bit. Some said he died, others said he moved. But then again, we were in middle school, we didn't know any better. SO he was declared M.I.M.S. (Missing In Middle School.) I was quite sad, because I had just lost my best friend! Many years passed, and my heart mended up.

I moved on to my freshmen year in high school. I was terrified, I didn't have Ashton by my side to squeeze my hand, and tell me everything would be alright. Instead, I was left alone. During math class, our teacher begged for our attention. As soon as the class looked up, they all stopped what they were doing, to look at the guy standing next to my teacher. I was in a trance. This guy was like Hercules, hot, with nice muscles, well dressed. He was what every girl wished for!

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