Chapter 31 - Lovebirds

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If there's one thing I've learned from all these hospital visits, it's to never bite your cheek or lip. The media will take it as you being nervous. That is not good.

Winifred is going to whoop my ass the next time I see her. I can just hear her now: what did I say about biting your cheek and lip?! It makes you look like you don't care! What were you thinking?!

Also, paparazzi can probably smell fear. So, don’t stand too close to them.

Damn, I should tweet that.

@HRHPrincessAnna: I have a theory that paparazzi can smell fear.

"But other than that everyone is saying you did great," Kassy offers one last comment to make me feel better. It only helps a little.

Ben turns on his TV. It's the first time I've ever been in his room, so I kind of just stand in the middle of the sitting area awkwardly. Everything in here seems too... I don't know... refined for him. The furniture is all mahogany with dark blue and light blue being the theme colors. His sports medals and trophies are in one corner of the suite, on shelves and hanging from invisible nails on the walls. He has quite a few soccer trophies from his time playing during his middle school and early high school years. There are even some water polo, track and feild and hockey trophies. But, by far the most length some span of trophies is the bottom shelf, where they all have horses on them.

Polo. I cannot believe he's that good at polo. It's so cliche. I wonder if he's ever played with William and Harry...

"Anna?" He asks, suddenly jolting me from my thoughts. I look towards the TV and tune into what they're saying as I make my way over to the couch.

That's when I catch the phrase, "Loving gazes" being thrown around.

"What?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. I really need to stop doing that.

"Yes, the royal couple were all smiles as they entered the third hospital of the week. This time, the Princess came here, to Vladesvya and spent some time with the patients in King Maxim's Hospital in our capitol of St. Agatha. This was their third royal engagment together, and it looks like they're getting more than comfortable with each other."

The screen flashes to a b-roll shot of us greeting the CEO of the hospital and other important people. There is a point when I reach out to shake hands with the man in the suit and Ben looks down at me, smiling. I don't know why, but it's the only thing I can focus on as I take a seat beside him. What's even more puzzling to me is that when they show a shot of him talking to one of the little children we met--all the while gabbling about our love for each other--I notice the way I'm staring at him.

The b-roll quickly passes and then it flashes to a woman we met--a mother of a little girl I talked to.

"Oh, she was so lovely, so lovely," she gushes, "And the Prince was so handsome. They're both so young and radiant. And, they were so kind and attentive. I really felt like they really cared about Sarah."

"Sarah is your daughter, correct?" The reporter asks as the camera scans over to the little girl, sitting with her father on the hospital bed. She doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the lens that's now focused on her.

"Yes, yes and she simply adored them! She won’t stop talking about them! And they were so good with all the children, you would think that they were already parents!"

My face blushes almost violently from that comment. I make a point not to look over at Ben, even though I know he's staring at me. He loves it when I blush.

"And can you tell me about the atmosphere between them?" The reporter pesters for more.

She beams as the camera turns back on her. "Very relaxed! I'm very surprised actually. I honestly thought they would be more stiff with each other but they really do seem to get on well. You can definitely sense a little bit of chemistry there!"

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