Chapter 2.

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Author's Note
    Maya's POV
We arrive in paradise after 15 painstaking hours on a plane. The whole way there Luke kept texting Riley, annoying the hell out of me. She would giggle, then he would giggle, and I would nuzzle up in my Snuggie that I got from my guy-best-friend, Andy. I called him Andy and he would call me Woody, because you know, Toy Story. Yeah. It was cute from Kindergarten through sixth grade, but once middle school started I kinda let go of the whole nickname thing. He still calls me Woody though. I have to admit. I liked him in my younger years, but he has a girlfriend. Her name is uh, um... Beth! Yeah, Beth is maybe a year older. I get out of her way. I don't like Andy anymore anyway so, whatever.


In love of my parents hearts, they got a room just for me. And Riley's room is right next door! Bloodsucking lovers in the nighttime. Riley is a bit crazy so the night we got here she snuck off to the pier in nothing but booty shorts and her string-bikini top. She was curious if I wanted to join, but I'm not really into grinding on strangers and drinking booze 'til I fall over. I stayed home and watched Modern Family instead. I replaced booze with cheese popcorn and Dr. Pepper and replaced booty shorts and bikinis with stained sweatshirts and pajama pants. 100% more pleasing.


The next morning I woke up to a monster: my reflection. I brushed through my hair and put on a big tshirt and shorts. I walked out to the breakfast taco truck on the pier and got breakfast burritos with Riley. After breakfast Riley lagged me to a surf shop to buy a rash guard and swimsuit.

"This one!"
"At least try it on?!"

I went into the changing room and put on the suit. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. I hadn't worn a bikini since I was thirteen. I looked really good, I gotta say.
"Come look!"

I walked out and modeled the suit for her.

"I mean hottie alert! Maya you are getting stared down by guys RIGHT NOW!"

I grabbed by t-shirt and covered myself up.

"I'll get it for you! My gift!"
"No you don't have to do that,"
"You have no choice. I'm buying this for you now!"

She bought the suit, a rash guard, and a pair of sandals for me. Why so generous I DO NOT DESERVE IT.


The next day I woke up, put my suit and t-shirt on and went to the pier.

The Pier

Eyeballs is my nickname for every boy here. Watching girls left and right. Correction: watching girls' ends and chests jiggle as they sway their vivacious hips. I stand on the bridge over the beach and admire every seashell.

"You, me: we're gonna be a thing."
A strange guy tells me after grazing my thigh. I normally smack away pervs that try to touch me, but this guy was different. He touched me with a feeling of respect and comfort.
"Excuse me, and you are?"
"Oh, yeah me. Lucas. Lucas Friar."
"Maya Hart."
We touched hands in a handshake.
"So where are you from? And why are you here?" I ask like I'm interrogating him I mean he DID touch my thigh.
"I'm from Texas and I'm spending my summer vacation here with my folks," he said with a twangy accent, "What about you little missy?"
"Well Ranger Rick, I'm here in Hawaii getting away from the honking horns of New York with my foster family," I reply with a slice of confidence.
"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Ma'am,"
He said as he raised my hand and softly kissed it.
I rip my hand away and run to my hotel. He follows. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm head of the track and basketball team so I easily outrun him. I tell the front desk guy to tell a guy named Lucas to go to room 408B. "Remember the B!" I yell at him. I rush into the elevator.
"Hi, name's Lucas. Did you see a girl sprint into here?"
"Oh, Ms. Hart?"
"Yeah I guess so,"
"Room 408B. Don't forget the B."
"Okay thanks."


My room's 408A don't forget the A. Whoops.

He knocks on the door and I hear the panting through the walls.
Oh did I forget to mention Lucas is a charming and handsome dude. Uh Oh. What have I done. I led him to Riley's room. Riley is my best friend and even I don't know every detail about her. I do know that she is a hot girl though. Oh no. My chances with Lucas have been ruined. Aw man. This really sucks.

In the hotel I am in I asked them to put an extra door with a slit in it to look out for Riley's bad decisions.

I look through the small slit and watch a scene of my nightmares come to life. I can't watch, so I close the slit and go fall into my depressed pit: my couch.

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now