Chapter 15- Bitches get broken noses

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I mentally shivered at the cold and harsh stares Noah was giving from across the room.

Why was he mad?

I know I was a total bitch to him, but it had always been that way.

And after he told me the kiss was just a dare, I should be the one staring him down.

I rolled my eyes and tapped my pencil on my desk.

Why was he so interested in my love life anyway?

I could get that he had an enemy, we all do, but why should it concern him?
I mean, me and Noah aren't even that close anyway. We never were and we never will be.

So why the hell would it matter if I was dating a guy I actually liked, even if Noah hated him?

Before I could even think of one good reason, Mr.Larson called on me,
"So Julia, what's the answer?"

Damn you Mr.Larson and you skills of being able to tell when I'm not paying attention.

"Uh.. It's uh..."

"Spit it out." He said, even knowing I had no idea what he was saying.
What an ass.

"You know... The... Um. Are we talking about Environmental Determinism?"

"No." Me.Larson rolled his eyes, "that will be a zero on a daily grade today."

Haha. Yay.

"We're not even in history." Heather said behind me.

Why was she even in my class?

I mean, does life just want to make me miserable right now?

"Okay. Remind me again why your stinky breath is in my face?"

"I transferred to this class. Me and Noah are going to be a thing. You can't have him."

I scoffed, "Ew. Hon, trust me he's all yours."

"I see the was you look at him. You think you're meant to be. Too bad that you're to much of a bitch for him."

"I swear Heather, I will stab your eyes out with this pencil."

"Because you can't admit the truth?"

I got out of my seat, this bitch better shut up.

"I will punch you so hard you'll fly to places that astronauts haven't even discovered yet."

She laughed, "Making threats won't change anything. You love him and we all know it."

Oh my god... This girl.

I was pretty much puking in my mouth by now.

"That's it!" I yelled and tackled her.

Badddd idea.

"Ew! Get of me you lesbi-"
Before she could say anything I punched he square in the face.

As she winced and I got ready to take another hit I felt someone drag me away.

Dang it. I wanted to slap the shit out of her.

Oh lord. I looked up to see a familiar face holding me away.


Well that was embarrassing.


Saying my mom looked pissed when she walked through the door was an understatement.

I would've been mad too if my kid went on a punching spree.
No. I take that back. If they went on a punching spree on someone like Heather, I would be very proud.

We sat there in silence until the principal finally said something,
"So," she said moving some papers around, "the Olsons are willing to drop charges if... If Julia gets suspended for a week."

My mom rolled her eyes, "Okay."

Um no. Not okay.

"What?" I chimed in, "thats not fair! Colleges can see that I was suspended."

"Well the only other option is to pay the money."

"How much would it be?"

All I had was $10, but it's worth at shot right?

"Well, because you broke her nose, probably around $5000."


How was I supposed to make that much money?

"I'm not paying for that." My mom said.

Okay sure. Leave our family and don't even bother to help your daughter out.

What a great mom.

"I will." The room went silent and they turned to me.

"How exactly will you pay for that?"
My mom asked.

"I'll get a better paying job," I turned to the principal, "what day do I need it in by?"

"October 20th."

That was this Friday.


"Well I better find a job fast." I smiled and walked out the door.

This better not be a mistake.


Ayeee I finally updated.

Sorry it's been so long. I've been up all night on AP History homework.

I'm actually sick today so I decided since I'm not at school it'd be the perfect time to update.
Btw I'm so sorry the chapter was so short, I just didn't want to lag it on and make it boring, because I didn't have much else to say in it.

BUTTTTT I have reallllyyy exciting things coming up in the story, including Halloween!
I'm so excited irl for Halloween too😂😂😂
I'll take free candy whenever I can get it.

Also I'm really excited bc my Homecoming is coming up!
Even though I'm only going w my friend cause no guys asked us.
😂😂😂 #singlelife.

Also more exciting news: (even though you probably don't care about me talking about my life) I got in the school musical!!! We're doing Shrek the Musical and I'm really excited because Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

Okay I'll shut up now.

Hope you enjoyed the veryy short chapter!


See ya soon!

- Nova

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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