Chapter 14 - Dating 101

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I'm not going to lie, when Alex asked me to go on a date with him I was very hesitant (especially because I didn't even really know him that well).

At that moment, part of me actually wanted to go, but the other just wanted to do it to get all the drama with Noah out of the way.

But now... Now I didn't know what to do.

Alex seemed like a nice guy.
Why should I trust anything Noah would say anyways? It's not like he's ever been nice to me.

Even when he was... (Or said he was) I just couldn't find it in myself to trust him.
But I also didn't want to get hurt...

"Something on your mind?" Catie asked sitting next to me on the park bench.

"No... Not really. I thought you had cheer practice..."

"We ended early." She confirmed.

"Would it be weird to go on a date with Alex?"

"No. Why would it be?"

"I don't know... I've barely known him and all."

"People go on dates to get to know each other." She laughed,

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not the dating type." I shook my head and smiled a bit.

Maybe that was just it.

I had never gone on a date before... Weird as it sounded, because I was a Junior, but to be fair I had been homeschooled most of my life.
Maybe all I needed was to try.
To make an effort to get to know Alex.

"I think you should do it." Catie said after awhile.

"Huh?" I was too distracted by my thoughts to comprehend what she was talking about.

"Go on the date."

Well of course she wanted me to do that.


"So you will?!" She suddenly squealed.

"Let me think about it... But maybe." I tried to compromise with her.

"Ok. Well,  talk to me before you decide for sure. I'm excited for you!" She squealed again.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't understand how she was so happy over one little date I wasn't even sure I was going to.

I'd just have to wait and see.


"Hey nice to see you around!" A voice behind me said and tapped me on the shoulder.

I nearly had a heart attack.


I whip around to see Alex holding flowers.

"Um thanks." I smile.

"Yeah... Sorry if it's weird that I brought flowers to school."

"No no. I appreciate them." I laugh.

"Are you ready for our date tonight?"
No. I don't know. Was I?

"Um... I- Yeah. Yeah I can't wait."

"Great!" He smiled.

Ugh. I needed to stop being stupid.
Maybe it was for the best.
Maybe she was born with it.
Maybe it's Maybelline.
(Idek I just randomly reference things because I'm stupid.)

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