Chapter 11 - Heather is secretly Sharpay?

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You know what it's like when you're playing a game with your friends and then something randomly hits you and you suddenly get the wind knocked out of you?

Well that had been me for the last week.

Ever since the kiss I had been so confused... And partially disgusted.
Not that he wasn't a good kisser, but if your mortal enemy, the one person you would be willing to kill, kissed you, I'm pretty sure you'd be putting hand sanitizer and boiling water all over your lips too (not a good idea by the way).

I couldn't talk to him let alone even look at him without it being awkward.
And I'm pretty sure that when I gave him the 'we-are-never-talking-about-this-or-you-will-be-murdered stare' in the hall, he got the memo.

But of course I'd still have to talk to him as much as I hated it.

Sadly none of it consisted on me telling him how ugly he looked every day, because that'd just make things even more awkward.

We were on the same team though, so we'd occasionally mumble something important to each other, though I'm pretty sure he could never hear me.
I usually just ended up asking Kale to tell him what to do if he was sucking so much  that my eyes were bleeding, so usually daily.

Me and Catie were best friends again. Luckily, because I'm pretty sure I need one now the most.

I also quit my job.

I did not want to see that ugly clown all day... Oh and also Ronald McDonald.
Hahahahahaha that was a joke, get it? Probably not...

I figured that it would be really weird at work and I didn't want that, so I interviewed with Taco Bell and they gave me a job.

And my new boss was wayyyyy nicer.
Hopefully I'd be able to survive 


Ever since the game Heather wanted to be closer and closer to me.

I guess she figured by that she'd get closer to Noah who she's definitely obsessed with since she thinks they'd be the best couple ever and like she always says, "omg like he would totally like boost up my popularity." (Imagine that said by a valley girl who was half donkey.)

Speak of the devil, here she came.

"Omg like Julia I love what you've done with your hair."

"I haven't done anything with my hair since Freshman year and I'm pretty sure my mom cut it then."

"Oh well um.. It suits you well. Goes with your personality." She flashed a fake smile.

I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be an insult, because if it was, dang she sucks.

I mean, I thought I was bad but wow.

"So are you going to Noah's party tonight? I heard that it's gonna be insane!" Heather practically screamed.

What? I thought he was as miserable as me. I want him to be miserable!

I gave her one of those super slow blinks that parents do to make their kids feel stupid.


"Well you should. Everyone's going. I mean don't you and Noah have a thing?"

I'm pretty sure that this was the only thing she wanted to know.

Too bad she was too stupid to comprehend that me and Noah would NEVER like each other.

"No, for the 100th time, he's free. PLEASE JUST TAKE HIM ALREADY."

"Cool! Well my work here is done. Bye loser!" She laughed her Regina George laugh and strutted off in her pink high heels.

Pink high heels? Really? She either was five or a hooker...

She was like the Sharpay of this school.
But there was NO WAY Noah was Troy.

Sorry I'm a big HSM fan.


I had been asked throughout the whole day if I was going to the party.

I guess Heather wasn't alone in the insanely stupid category after all.
And one of those people, sad to say, were Catie.

"You should go!" She perked.

"Are you insane? No! I'm not going!"

"Pleeeeaasseeeee." She begged.

"Oh I see. This is about you! You just want to go to the party!"

"Well not entirely. I-"

"You're so insensitive! You know how I got at the game! There's no way I'm looking at that face anymore, especially not as a choice."

"Shush and hear me out!"

"Oh like you did for me?" I mumbled but she ignored me.

"We can get revenge. Every one will be partying so we can totally trash his room and stuff."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"Well what if he catches us?"

"He won't! I'll be an door duty and you can tear apart his room."

"Well if he catches us then he'll talk."


"To me."


"Stop playing this game Catie I said it's a no."

"Pleaseeee." She begged.

"It's a no from me." I said, imitating Simon Cowell the best I could.







After about 20 minutes of this back in forth "please" and "no" fight I finally gave in, sadly enough.

"Ugh." I whined.


"Fine!" I finally said surrendering.

If I was going to do this I was gonna do it right.

Noah you're about to get destroyed.
Ha. Ha. Ha. (Imagine that as an evil laugh)

I totally felt like a spy.
It was time to complete mission impossible: destroy the destroyer.

Game on destroyer.
Game on.

I'm so sorry I've totally been taking forever on updating.

I was lazy and I've been watching tons of Disney Channel (don't judge).

I'll try to update more frequently, but keep in mind I'm going to school in like a month and I'll be taking an AP and PreAP class so it'll be a little bit harder then usual.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
It's so fun writing this book and I hope to finish it!


See ya soon!


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