Chapter 9 - Mark II

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This is probably going to end up being a filler chapter bc next chapter is gonna have lots of drama... (as if there wasn't enough) btw I'm so sorry for not updating I've just been really lazy


I sighed and laid down, staring at my football.

It was two days until the homecoming game.

As if I didn't have enough to deal with...
If we lost this game it'd be it for us.
Which meant we couldn't. Period.

I finally managed to get up out of bed again and get ready for school.
I pulled my dark brown hair into a ponytail and put on a tee shirt that read "HARVARD UNIVERSITY" with my basketball shorts and a pair of navy blue flip flops.

Guess you can call me Ms.Fashionista (note the sarcasm).

It was 8:30, which meant I had 30 minutes to get to school.

...30 minutes until I had to face a day filled with evil glares from the cheerleaders and pretty much the whole school.

Since Catie was so nice and her and Mark were the "cutest couple" I looked like more of a villain than Cruella De Vil.

I soon devoured a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and ran out the door.

I quickly regretted that decision seeing tons of my classmates in the neighborhood staring me down.

One girl even came up to me and asked why I was such a bitch.

Not even giving me time to answer she flipped her black curls in my face and walked away.

And I knew it'd get a whole lot worse from here.


When I finally arrived at school I was surrounded by a feeling of awkwardness.

When I walked by a group of friends, everyone would become quiet and stare at me.

What I didn't get was that I was getting flipped off while Mark was living his normal life.

Thank you world for hating me when it wasn't even my fault in the first place.
Wow I really just had amazing luck.
Right then I saw the worst thing I possibly could have.

There she was. Catie.

And guess who was giving her a hug with an evil glance towards me?


Heather fucking Olson.

Great. Now Catie liked her worst enemy even better than me.

"Wow why do you you have to be so rude?" Heather said, giving me a devilish smile.

"I know what you're trying to do," I said, my voice low, but harsh, "you know the truth, but others don't and you're taking advantage of that."

"Who me? I would never do such a thing. I'm not like you." She flattered her eyelashes and gave me a pouty face.

If I could read her face it would say, 'Haha bitch I win. Sucks for you. Now go cry yourself to sleep with the caring family you don't have.'

Too bad I was the only one who saw that.

I just shook my head and walked away.
I didn't need anymore problems.


The bell rang which meant it was 4th period.

Football practice.

"Alright," Coach clapped his hands together, "we have a game coming up, which means we NEED to practice. Because why?"

Coach had repeated this line probably twenty times in the last three days.

We all sighed and said in unison, "We NEED to win."

"Good," he smiled, "Okay. Today we'll do a few drills and then a scrimmage."

Everyone cheered at the word scrimmage.

"But first- suicides"

The cheers died down and the groans and sighs rolled in.

"Alright we'll only do ten."

"Seriously coach?" One of the players in the back said.

"Make that twenty. You guys are tough. You can handle it."

"Seriously Ethan? " I heard Kale say while he shoved him to the side.

"Ok get on the line." Coach blew his whistle and we ran over to it.

"You know the drill," he said, "when I blow the whistle you start."

He blew the painfully loud and high-pitched whistle again and we were off.

The first seven suicides were fine, but when you're running across a whole football field, it starts to get tiring.
At 15 most of our faces were either red, dripping with sweat, or we were lacking air.

When I finally got to 20 I felt like collapsing on the ground but I was relieved it was over.

There were still a few players running when coach blew his whistle.

"Okay. We don't have much time left so we're going to scrimmage now. I'll choose two captains."

His eyes scanned us like a judge deciding who was guilty.

Only if you were picked it was a good thing.

"Noah and um..."
Of course he chooses his son...

My heart jumped and my face lit up.

"Are you kidding?" Noah scoffed, " if she's a captain my team will defeat her in a second!"

"Aw how sweet I never knew you could be so nice." I gave him the most sarcastic lovey dovey face possible.

"You're right. I was being nice. if I described how horrible you really are at football, you'd probably be in tears."

I rolled my eyes and got ready to pick people for my team.


When the game ended my team lost


I wish I could win and show him that he sucked, but truth was he was a really good player and as much as I hated to admit it... He was better than me.

I guess that was pretty obvious though, because he was quarterback while I was the kicker.

But that wouldn't stop me from trying to be better.
Because I win.

I just really hadn't been lately.
At least not in my life.

Not with my family, or friends, and now football.

But I will.

I will win.

I always win.


See ya soon!


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