Chapter 2 - Maybe assface will be our always

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The results were posted and everyone and I mean EVERYONE, whether they were in football or not, crowded the bulletin board.

I couldn't see a single thing because:

1. Pretty much everyone there was taller than me

2. People wouldn't freaking move even after they saw the results.

"Ugh! Get out of my way!"
I shouted shoving people to the side.
I scanned the sheet.

Oh god.

My name wasn't on there.

Was there some sort of mistake?

What did it do to deserve this horrible mess?

I felt like crawling in a ball and sinking to the ground.

I felt like laying down and soaking my pillow with tears.

Right when I felt like I was about to cry coach added a paper to the bulletin board,
"Ok guys here's the rest of 'em."

Really? Some much for my dramatic moment.

Oh my god.

I made it...



I was so happy even though I only made it as a kicker...

This was the best day ever!

I literally started to do a happy dance in the hall.

...and guess who just had to ruin it?

"Don't tell me you made it." He snorted.

"Actually I did." I said getting closer, "I told you I can do anything you can do."

"Oh really?" He pointed to the list,

"then why am I quarterback and you're just the kicker?"

"Probably because I can kick better than you." I hissed.

"Oh we'll see about that. Football field. 5 pm."

"Wait I get it. Since I made the football team, you finally realized how hot I am and now you want to spend more time with me."

"More like, I want to show you how much better than you I really am. Even at your own position. Julia, I could play as the whole football team if I wanted to."

Ew. How'd he even know my name?

I'm pretty sure I threw up a little when he said it.

"Cocky much?" I scoffed.

"Definitely." He leaned in and whispered.

Was he trying to seduce me or something?


"If you really are in love with me assface then brush your teeth, because it smells disgusting."

"Ew! I'm not in love with YOU. If anything, you're in love with ME."

"And why is that?" I challenged.

"Uh because I'm amazing. Duh."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say disgusting rodent smell boy."

...I really wasn't the best at nicknames.

Or comebacks for that matter...

GAME ONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon