How To Make Invitations

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Sebastian's POV

I grabbed (y/n)'s hand and began my way towards the other study to begin working on the ball invitations.

She smelled like burning candles set out around spring time. Her scent spread as we walked through the manor.

"So uh.. How many invitations do we need to make?" (Y/n) ask, her lips moving as soft as silk.

"For Lady Elizabeth, we will need to make around 500 invitations."

Her eyes widen the size of the moon.

"Fi--fiv--- FIVE HUNDRED?!?"

"Yes, kitten. But I guess you're right. That is a quite small amount."

"Small?!? I mean I'm used to balls but with only around 200 people... Not 500!"

"As long as you stay by my side, you'll be fine."

"Hmm... Thanks Sebby."

I love that nickname. I know I've had it forever but its still special. And I haven't heard anyone call me that in a while, not since I left her.

I can read your mind by the way.

"Will I have to teach you a lesson about reading my mind?"


Without realizing it, we reach the other study. I open the door for (y/n).

She looks amazing in that maid outfit. Only if she would wear something shorter.

"Sebastian, come sit down and tell me how to do this."

I walk over to (y/n) and sit next to her. I look into her (ey/c) orbs. I feel as if I can't escape. It's like she's got me in a trance.


"My apologies, kitten."

"Just show me how to make these goddamn invitations."

I actually enjoy her taking so ruthless. It shows she has a tough side and won't let it go. It shows she's passionate and yet destructive.

"First, we have to find the envelopes and the seals."

"Hehe...seals...." She mumbles under her breath.

"What was that, (y/n)?"

"Oh nothing."

"Anyway kitten, help me find the envelopes."

(Y/n) walks around and searches the drawer for the envelopes.


She sounds excited. She must think she's impressed me because she found them before I.

"Good job kitten. I'll take some of your punishment off, but not completely."

She rolls her eyes in the cutest way. She might be annoyed, but she's adorable when she's pissed.

"Alright now help me find the seals with the Phantomhive stamp."

"Sebastian, there right in front of your face, fucktard."

"Uh-uh. Not that language."

She sits down and pats the seat next to her ordering for me to sit down.

"Hurry up, I wanna get these done."

"So we can play?"

"So I'll have some free time to get to know Ciel even more." She says with a smirk and a wink.

(Y/N)'s POV

I know that set him off. He deserves it. Plus, I'm curious to see his jealous side.

His face turns a slite red. His fists begin to ball up. His expression goes from calm to pissed. And I'm loving every minute of it.

"Back to invitation making." He says trying to change the subject.

"Just show me how please."

He grabs a piece of paper and a feather pen. He dips the end of the pen in the ink and begins to write.

Once he's done, he folds it up and places it into the envelope. Then, he takes the seal and stamps the letter. After that, he places it aside.

"And that, my kitten, is how you create an invitation."

"Alright, easy enough."

"Is that a challenge?"

Why the hell not?

"Why the hell not?"

We each begin to grap envelope after envelope. Seal after seal. Paper after paper.

*Le Time Skip*

Sebastian's POV

(Y/n) had finished just seconds before I. She seemed so happy. She seemed so proud.

"Heh, I wonder which demon is better at invitation making?"

I may or may not have let her win.

Oh face it, Sebby, we all know I'm a way better demon than you. Face it.

We'll see when it comes to the bedroom.


"Oh, nothing kitten."

"So uh, now that we're down, what do we do?"

"I'll have Mey-Rin and Finny take them to the post office, so you and I can rest."

"Oh ok, that's nice."

Once I have Mey-Rin and Finny here and gone, (y/n) and I head back to my bedroom.

"I have a little surprise for you, kitten."

She looks at me with a confused look but continues to walk beside me.


She has no idea what's about to happen. Well its what she gets for being a naughty kitten.

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