Hello Old Satanic Friend

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(Y/N)'s POV

The raven-haired man chuckles.

"You truley have forgotten, didn't you?"

"Forget what you bloody fucktard?"

Tisk Tisk Tisk, he made again.

"Please stop tisking."

"Well apparently all you can remember is my name and maybe a few vague memories."

"Just please tell me who you are. Kinda busy here."

"Get down from there now. Or I'll have to teach you lesson, won't I?"

I take a step off the broken chair and my foot slips.

As soon as I feel like hitting ground, I open my eyes to find the man holding me bridal style. He sets me down and begins to speak.

"Goodness (y/n), be more careful. Anyway, as I was saying. Yes, my name is Sebastian Michaelis. Remember me now kitten?"

My mind began to fill with old memories of this barn and this boy who looked alot like the man who had just saved me from my own death. Memories like him kissing me and memories like us holding hands and walking into the unknown forest.

"Sebby... As in the boy I spent my entire childhood with? But I thought you died... Why are you still here? UNLESS YOU'RE SOME FUCKER MESSING WITH MY EMOTIONAL FEELINGS..."

"No kitten, it is me. And no, I didn't completly die. But I did turn into a sexy demon."

You were already sexy.

"What was that?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes, but you did think of something."

That fucktard can read my mind?

"Yes, I can. And please don't use those types of words, kitten."

"Ok well can you leave so I can get back to killing myself."

"Now why actually are you doing that in the first place?"

"God, Sebby, you can't just ask people why they're killing themselves."

"My apologizes, but you know the only way to kill a demon is with a supernatural weapon."

"What the fuck are you taking about?"

"My dear kitten, you mean to tell me you don't remember that event either?"

"What event?"

"When I was chosen by Satan to become a demon butler, I took you along with me. Dear kitten, you are a demon as well. That's why you couldn't kill yourself in all of your previous tries. But I do want to ask, why exactly?"

"Why exactly I want to leave this living hell?"

He giggled and nodded.

Wow, Sebby-chan just giggled. Holy fuck.

"Because I feel as if I'm not important, that I don't belong, that I'm worthless, that I'm a disgrace, that no one would care if I were to magically vanish.. That no one loved me.. I mean truley fucking love me..."

Sebastian walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace. His arms like long snakes wrapping around my waist. I then wrap mine around him, never wanting to break away. Wanting to stay in this state forever, a state as in where I'm warm, loved, protected... I never want to leave his arms... His embrace... His scent... Yea he smells like tea leaves.. My favorite...

He soon breaks off, even though he knows I wasn't ready.

"I have a better solution my kitten."

"What is it, Sebby?"

"Come sign a contract with my master, Ciel Phantomhive, work for him as a maid until his wished is fulfilled, then we can feast on his soul together.. Considering we are both soul hungry demons right?"

"Right. But I've never actually eaten a soul before."

Sebby grabs my hand and our fingers interlock. He walks me out of the barn and into the dark, unknown forest.

"You truley must have lost your entire memory."

"Well I did hit my head a few years ago."

We both chuckled and continued to walk to the manor, still fingers interlocked.

"What else have I forgotten?"

"How good it feels to be with me."

I roll my eyes and continue to walk along his side.

"Now how could I ever forget that?"

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