Chapter 1

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*Paisyn's POV*


"Paise, grab that box and bring it into the house please!" My mom called, while signing the form the movers had handed her. I grabbed the box labeled 'bathroom' and took it inside.  "Mom! How come Michael doesn't have to do anything?!" I screamed, motioning to my brother.  "Michael. Put down that phone and help." I smirked and watched as he grumbled, stuffing the phone in his pocket and shoving past me with boxes piled into his arms.

My dad had walked out on us almost 4 months ago, after he filed for divorce. It's always been my mom's dream to live in Sydney, so that's exactly where we moved.

Sydney. Australia. Sydney, Australia.

Aka- my new home.

~End Flashback~

I was only 15 and my brother, Michael, was 17. We've been living in Sydney for almost 2 months now, and everything is so much different. I've made tons of new friends, and even talked to a few cute guys. Michael's in a band, weird huh? And after these few months I've come to the conclusion that an Australian accent is absolutely sexy.


I spotted my best friend, standing my the vending machine talking to his boyfriend. "Hey Peter! Hey Gabriel!" Peter squished me into a hug as Gabriel searched the school yard, looking uncomfortable. "Alright, I'll see you later babe." Peter said, crashing his lips with Gabriel's. Gabriel walked away and left Peter and I alone to talk. Peter's been my best friend since I've moved here. Most of the people made fun of him for being gay, not me. Frankly, I don't think it's any of my business or anyone else's.

"Oh, look Peter.  How about him, over there." I pointed my finger at a guy from Grade 12 walking down the pathway to his class. His brown hair was smothered in a beanie, his eyes framed with glasses. "10." Peter exclaimed, licking his lips and giggling. "10." I agreed.

"Um, him." Peter pointed to the crowd of preps, swapping saliva by the double doors. I shook my head in disapproval. "Gross Peter, 4." "Fine then, he's all mine." Peter handed me a drink of his Cola and scouted out more guys.


"Peter, carry me. I'm tired." I whined, carrying out the 'r' in his name and pouting out my lip as Peter walked me home. "Fine." He stopped and let me jump on his back before continuing the daily route home. Peter lived in my neighborhood, exactly across the street from me. He dropped me off on my front porch, gave me a hug, and left for his own house. I looked behind me, Peter's burlap Toms splashing in the water puddles from the rain that morning.

The door opened before I could grab the knob, Michael sprinting out, guitar in hand as he ran down the street. Okay? "Mom what's up with Michael?" I set my book bag down on the sofa and went into the kitchen with my mom and dog Bentley. "Band practice at a friend's house.  And of course, he's late."  She stated, chopping vegetables and throwing them into a pot on the stove. Nodding I hopped off of the stool and ran upstairs to my bedroom. My phone buzzed in my back pocket, playing my favorite Ed Sheeran song, The City.

From: Peter
Can I come over?

To: Peter
Why do you even ask anymore?

I ran downstairs and opened the door for Peter.  We ran upstairs and slammed my door shut, Peter flopping down on the bed to reach for the remote. I flopped down beside him and searched through Twitter on my phone.

"I'm hungry. Got any food?" Peter picked me up bridal style and carried me down to the kitchen. He set me down on the barstool before beginning to rummage through the refrigerator. My mom continued chopping her vegetables, never letting her eyes drift away from the recipe beside her. No wonder there's always food on the floor when she cooks.

"Mom! Luke has family over so we're having practice here!" Michael called to my mom, coming into the kitchen, with 3 guys following. Peter sunk his teeth into an apple, his eyes searching each of the guys silently raiding the cabinets. "10." Peter whispered, pointing to the brunette sitting on the counter. I nodded and stole a bite of apple. His brown hair. His eyes framed with glasses. It's him. And he looked even better standing in my kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked, his voice filled with sarcasm as he followed my gaze to the guy on the counter. I rolled my eyes as he hopped off and made his way over to me. I slapped Peter on the leg for support, which only resulted in him walking away. He went and stood by the guy rummaging through the fridge and admired him sort of creepily. 

My cheeks felt hot as he spoke. "Hi, I'm Ashton." He took the seat next to me and moved his hair out of his eyes. "Paisyn." I croaked. My face flushed, turning a rosy shade of red as he smiled and leaned closer. "So you're Mike's sister?" I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. "So, so you're in the band? What do you do?" Regaining my confidence I tried to hold up my end of the conversation. "Drummer." My face curved into a smile. "C'mon guys, lets go practice." Michael stated, eyeing Ashton and I. "Bye Paisyn." He smiled and filed into the garage along with the other 3. "Peter! It's him! The guy we saw at school!" Peter nodded and watched as the garage door shut before turning his gaze back to me. "You have him, I think I found my own." I laughed as Peter raced me back up to my room, listening to the bass and drums from below.

••It'll get better , Promise. :) x••

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