Chapter 14- Check Up

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Here we are again! And I just want to say, thank you all so much! I've gotten 3 or 4 new fans since the last chapter and a bunch of comments! I especially like Wheatly's comment. Just...don't malfunction again. I'm with Haleygamermonkey on this one. :-) So. Down to business. Last chapter, things sorta happened. Not really. But all is well! This chapter (hopefully) will be better. Enjoy!


Ky awakens with a start, staring up at the ceiling. Not the same ceiling...Wait, where is he?! Fluorescent light burns the back of his eyes and he's forced to shut the for a moment. After adjusting,   Ky sits up quickly. Pain hits his head like a hammer. Ow! A very painful headace...He clutches his head until the ache retreats to a dull throb. He opens his eyes and it's only then that he notices what the room looks like. 

It's a doctor's office, plain and simple. The exam table is under him, a sink off to the right. A mint green curtain hangs down off to the side in case there is a need for privacy. The doctor's desk is littered with papers, folders, and various medical instruments. It all looks completely normal. Yet the question remains: How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was passing out after fighting Minecraft robot mobs. And almost getting blown up. That's when he notices there's no window.

It's probably all part of this twisted game, he thought dejectedly. Might as well try, though. Getting up off the exam table, the standard white paper crackles as he steps to the floor. He walks over to the door and tries the handle. Locked. Figures.

They can't use me in the games if I escape... Just then, the door opens and a woman dressed in light blue medical scrubs walks in. She sees him standing and smiles.

"Feeling better?" she asks.

"Uhh...yeah?" he says, unsure of what's happening. "What's going on?"

"You're at the doctor's office. You came for a checkup." the lady says.

"No I didn't. I was kidnapped, forced to fight exploding robots, drugged, and woke up in here!" Ky almost shouts.

"So? We have to give you a checkup. Those drugs we use to knock you out may damage your health. And we need you in perfect condition to compete." 

Ky's mouth falls open. This lady acted so calm and happy, as if drugging innocent teenagers was something that happened everyday. And at the fact that she was with the...evil? people who dragged him here. Anger begins to bubble up inside him. 

"Come on, we can't have a proper checkup if you don't cooperate." the lady says, cold beginning to creep into her voice.

"And what if I don't cooperate? There's one of you,and I'm a teenage boy. I can take you." Ky announces with bravado. The woman's smile disappears.

"But can you take two fully grown men?" she asks coldly. She must have pressed a hidden button or something because the door flies open and smashes against the wall. Two men walk in, dressed all in black. And they're holding rope.

"Are you going to let me do my job, or are you going to have to be secured?" she asks, dark humor lacing her voice. A smirk appears on her lips. In answer, Ky lashes out with his foot to kick one of the men where it hurts. But instead, the man catches his ankle, making him lose his balance and fall on the floor. While Ky is dazed, he other man leans down and securs Ky's wrists behind him with rope, doing the same around his ankles. They heave Ky to his feet and set him in a sitting position on the exam table. 

"Great. You've got me tied up. Now what?" Ky asks, a bit apprehensive. 

"A check up! What do you think? Oh, we also need to draw blood to make sure nothing is going wrong." the nurse says brightly. And that's exactly what happens. Everything you do in a normal checkup happened in the fake doctor's office. The nurse even drew some of Ky's blood for testing. The two men who had tied him up stayed with him to make sure he didn't escape. They never talked, only staring straight ahead.  After the whole thing ended, the nurse says,

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