Chapter 5- Skydoesminecraft

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Here's the chapter that a few of you are going to have problems with. Minecrafter time! Yes, I know a few of you are probably tired of so many Minecraft videos on YouTube. But I like the commentary on Sky's channel. we go! Skydoesminecraft disappearing from the face of the earth for a bit.



"Hey guys! It's Sky here with Deadlox and Minecraft Universe, about ready to do another Epic Jump map! By...Who exactly, Deadlox?" There's pause before Ty (Deadlox) shouts out

"BODIL40!" Jason's (Minecraft Universe) voice also pops in.

"Bodil40!" All of them started shouting out Bodil40 until all three of them were in tears.

"Oh, guys. You have no idea how much fun it is to say that over and over." Adam (Skydoesminecraft) says, still chuckling a little.

"Yeah. Sky's right you guys. Now let's...Did you just punch me?" Ty interrupts himself. Then he punches Jason right back. On screen of course. They were Minecrafters! Screw the haters! The random punches came faster, turning into an all-out punch fight.

"Nrgh. Nrgh." Sky made little noises as he clicked the heck out of the mouse to punch the heck out of Jason and Ty. Ty died first.

"Noooo!" he shouted. "Why you do dis to me?"

"Ty. Ty. Wait." Sky says.

"What?" he asks.

"We have to start this map." Sky says. Dead serious. Then he busts out laughing. "But seriously guys. Lets start this thing!"

"Okay, okay. Let's read the instructions." All of them turn to the signs on screen.

"One. Do not break blocks. Two. Yada yada yada. Same rules as normal you guys." Sky reads out loud. "K, lets start this thing."

"Click the button!" Jason shouts.

"Daaadadadaaaadaaadaaaaaaa!" Ty sings as dramatic music. Sky clicks the button. In the background, he hears a weird noise, coming from his own house.

"Okay. Here we go!" Jason shouts. First up is just a chest. Hm?

"Hey, Sky! Butter armor!" Ty says, opening the chest.

"BUDDER!!!" Sky shouts. He opens the chest himself and takes out his set of budder armor.

"Hey, it's all super enchanted. Look, on the boots it's all Protection VIII. That does not bode well." Jason says.

Sure enough, the first parkour challenge on the map was cactus parkour of all things. Jumping on cactus.

"Dude. This is gonna be one insane map." Jason commented.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Sky says. He hits the button that makes him jump forward.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." he mutters under his breath, imitating his on-screen character jumping on cactus.

"OW!" he shouts, slapping the back of his neck. And finding a dart.

"Want the hell?!? Guys, I think-" he manages to gasp out before the drug takes effect.

"Sky? Sky?! ADAM! What's going on?!" Ty shouts over the microphone. There is no response.

"Adam! Answer me!" Ty shouts again, then listens. Nothing.

"Jason, do you have any idea why he left like that?" Ty asks.

"I have no idea! Maybe you should go check on him" Jason replies. Ty only lived about 10 minutes from Sky. (Not sure if this is true)

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