Chapter 9- Fueding

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Hey, everyone! Thanks for chiming in to the poll from the last update! Skydoesminecraft was the overall winner with a total of....two votes! Yes, two. I guess there's more members of the Sky Army on Wattpad than I thought. Huh. The rest of you gave me names for other YouTubers to kidnap, not who should appear next out of the already kidnapped ones. But that's okay! I will try to use those names later in another idea that will come...soon, actually! Wow. That's a lot if intro for one chapter. Lets go!


Tied up like they all had been, behind Ky is...well...he's not sure. At first he thought it was Tobuscus, with the slightly elfish look. but upon closer inspection, he's a bit more hairy. He looks vaguely familiar, with black hair curled a bit at the end, brown eyes and some stubble. The man is kinda muscular, stretching his casual button-down shirt. You know, the kind with plaid stripes in all kinds if colors? That kind of shirt. He's staring at Ky with pleading eyes. Help me, they say.

"Okay, roll over here." Ky says. He kneels down near the bars of the man's cell. The man complies and Ky unties the knots on his wrists, then his upper arms. Before Ky can do any more, the man sits up and takes the bandana out of his mouth that was gagging him.

"Thanks, man." he says. Ky's mouth falls open in shock. His voice is unmistakable. Skydoesminecraft. Adam. What?!?! How on earth did they get him!? Now Ky sees how powerless he is. This was definitely a professional job. The appearance of two of his favorite YouTubers had confirmed that. Wait, did they know what his favorites were and were targeting them? Oh, god. He really hopes not. Otherwise Tobuscus would appear next. Or the Fine Brothers. Or or or...the list goes on. Would NicePeter and EpicLloyd appear next? Ky realized Sky---Adam, was saying something.

"-any idea where we are?" he says.

"No. We were drugged and kidnapped! How would I have any idea where we are!" Ky says with a grin, trying to sound sarcastic.

"I know that...and I was in the middle of recording another Epic Jump Map with Ty." Adam says. Ky inspects his face. Adams eyes are kind of unfocused. Shock, maybe?

"Oh, an Epic Jump Map? Was it the Mario one you said BODIL40 was working on?" Ky looks right at him as he says it, grinning. Adam looks up at him.

"Are you a recruit?" he asks, starting to smile.

"Let's go kill us some squids." he says in response. Adam smiles.

"Got any budder?" he asks.

" 'Fraid not. Try deadlox." Ky responds.

"Dude, this is surreal. Of all the people to be locked up with. A recruit! Hey, what's your name?" he asks.

"I'm Ky." Ky answers.

"Sounds a lot like Ty."

"I'm flattered." All of a sudden, the room got lighter. Adam's eyes widen and he stands up.

" that...?" he couldn't finish his sentence. Ky spins around. The cell next to Ian'a is lit up, revealing... Ky groaned inwardly. Oh, no. Who'a next?

The light had come up to reveal Toby Turner, also known as Tobuscus.

"Oh, jeez. Toby?!" Ky asked, walking over to his cell. By this point, Ky's just wondering who else is going to turn up. Smosh, Sky, and Toby makes four. Is there going to be one more to make an even 5? He motions to Toby.

"Come over here and I'll untie you." he says. Toby rolls over. In other circumstances, Ky would've laughed. It's not everyday you see a man rolling towards you. It's kinda funny to watch. Toby rolls up against the bars and grunts. Not mmphs, grunts. Ky bends down and begins to untie him.

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