Chapter 9.5- To The Police!

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Bonus chapter for you guys! Thanks so much for liking it! Not much happens here though... :-)


About the time Ky was being kidnapped, Jason was discovering Ty tied up in Adam's house. He quickly unties Ty.

"Dude, are you okay?" he asks.

"Not really. My head hurts. A lot." Ty complains.

"Why?" Jason says

"Because they hit me on the head with a frying pan!" Ty says. He crawls out of the closet and stands up.

"But we have more important things to discuss." he says.

"We do?" Jason asks.

"Yeah! They have Adam!" Ty says.

"What!? They kidnapped him?!" Jason asks.

"Yeah! We have to go to the police with this!" Ty says urgently.

"Okay. Lets go." Jason says. They quickly run outside and hop in Jason's car.

"Find the nearest police station on your phone." Jason instructs Ty. He takes his phone out of his pocket and searches for the nearest police station.

"4120 North Main Street. Hey, that's not too far from here! Quick, go!" Ty says. Jason presses his foot down on the accelerator and takes off.

At The Police Station:

"Sir, we'd like to report a kidnapping!" Jason and Ty run into the police station. The man on duty looks up.

"Excuse me?" the man says.

"A man named Adam has been kidnapped right out of his own home!" The man looks bored. He looks down at his computer.

"Last name?" he asks. Jason and Ty look at each other.

"Did you ever ask his last name?" Ty asks.

"No..." Jason says sheepishly. The man looks at him skeptically.

"Really? And how long have you known this man?" he ask sarcastically.

"Four, five years now." Jason admits.

"Same here..." Ty says.

"Okay then. Where does he live?" the man asks.


"Ah. The YouTuber's home." He looks up. "You know that if this is fake you will be in serious trouble." Ty can barely contain his impatience.

"Yes! Hurry, please!" he snaps.

"Okay, okay!" he types the address into the computer. "I just put out an alert to all mobile units on patrol now."

"For what?" Ty asks.

"Any suspicious activity or unregistered car." he answers.

"What about Adam!? He was kidnapped!" Ty shouts.

"I'm sorry, but until 24 hours has passed, we can't go looking for him. He has to be reported missing first."

"What?! That's ridiculous!" Jason says.

"We'll you can't bypass the law." the officer says.

"Fine." Ty stalks out of the police station. Jason walks out after him. The officer sighs. Well that's over.

Out in the car, Ty stared out the window, angry with the world.

"Ty. It'll be okay. We'll find Adam."

"I know. The question is, do we wait or try to find him ourselves?" Ty turns away from the window and looks at Jason.

"I say we go back to his house and look for clues." Jason responds. Ty grins.

"Let's go!" Ty says. Jason sets the car into gear and takes off.


Bonus chapter over. I might do more of these actually. What do you think? I'll make this short, so....BYE! -RyGuy


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