Chapter 13- Explosions

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Merp. I like making things explode. So...yeah. Robo-Creepers. Explosions. (You had to see that coming!) And...Bromance?! Just kidding. Although some of you wish there would be. :-) Sorry. I don't write like that. The only exception is Hannah. ..............NOW WE READ!


The nightmare robot stops 10 feet from the green ring that marked the explosion point. It's blank eyes stare the three down. Toby, Adam, and Ky line up in a solid line and raise their swords. They've gotten pretty good at attacking these things, but the creeper is obviously going to be trouble.

First is the green line that marks the explosions. It's pretty far from the red platform and is about the length of their swords. They'd have to cut it pretty close to tap the spots. Second, the points that stop the robot aren't at the same places as on the other robots. Only on the head and midsection were the glowing orange dots. Not exactly easy targets. However, standing shoulder to shoulder makes them braver. All of them were filled with a sense of determination that pushed back their fear.

The creeper began to move towards them.

"Here we go!" Adam mutters.

"Let's do it." Toby says.

They wait until the creeper bot gets close enough to attack without getting their brains fried. It gets within range and they make their move. Adam lunges forward with a grunt and strikes it with his sword tip.

"Damn it!" he shouts. He hit right next to the target on the midsection. The robot is only a foot away from the explosion line.

"My turn." Ky says, and reaches out. His arm barely long enough, but he holds it steady directly in front of an orange spot as it creeps forward. Two more seconds and it would have been deactivated. But then...

"Move it!" Toby shouts, and shoves Ky aside. His sword, millimeters from the orange dot, is jerked away.

"Toby, wha-?!" Ky starts.

"Shhhh!" he says, then turns to the robot. He starts to sing.

"I can swing my sword, sword. My diamond sword, sword!"

"Toby, what are you doing!?" Ky shouts. Toby ignores him. The sword tip wavers a bit and strikes...directly on the dot. The creeper bot's foot is an inch away from the green line. The dot blinks and the robot starts backing up.

"Yes!" Ky and Adam exclaim.

"See? Told you I could do it!" Toby says, swinging his sword around proudly with a big, goofy grin on his face. Ky and Adam watch as Toby's smile melts into one of horror. Adam opens his mouth to ask what'a wrong when...



"...and the infamous creeper robot, which there are only two of."


Adam and Ky fly through the air as the single stick of dynamite in the creeper explodes as it passes the detonation line. Only three feet away. Searing heat explodes across their backs and they go sprawling. In truth, they only go a few inches off the ground but the pure power of the dynamite is shocking. Adam is sent into Toby, knocking both of them to the ground. With no one in front of him, Ky flies off the edge of the red area! Ahhh! Ky opens his mouth as the metal floor approaches. What did the announcer say? 40,000 volts? He tenses as he hits the metal. Pain burns in his shoulder but nothing else happens. Huh? Ky looks up. Adam is sprawled on top of Toby in a rather...compromising position. Crotch to crotch. Ky grins. Okay, then. It looks like the fall knocked them out.

"Guys! Wake up!" Ky shouts. Adam groans. Toby's head snaps up.

"ACK! GET OFF!" he shouts.

"Whazzuh....?" Adam mutters.

"GET OFF ME!!!" Toby shouts.

"Huh? AH!" Adam finally awakens and notices what's happening.

"Ew! Toby, what is your problem!?" Adam shouts.

"Me?!? You fell on me!" Toby shouts. You can cut the tension between the two with a butcher knife.

"Guys..." Ky warns. Fwip!

"Ow!" Toby exclaims. The darts sunk in once again.

"Here we goooojajfjsn..." Ky mutters as the blackness overtakes him AGAIN. Great. As he goes under, he hears the intercom crackle. Or maybe it was his imagination.

"We need to stop that. It might be a health hazard."



Short chapter, I know. I just needed to wrap up the Minecraft Gladiator event. Did you like the event? Give me your feedback below! Please? Peace off until next time! -RyGuy


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