Chapter 6- Worlds Collide

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Next chapter, go! Sorry, quick Pokemon moment there. Heh heh. I'm surprised people have actually asked me to continue this. I know it was popular, but this? I'm surprised! Anthonylover1 and smosheverywhere, thanks! This is for you!


Ky is caught in a black void, not sure where he is. He can barely move. There's a strange noise, one that he should know, but can't think of the name. He tries to raise an arm. Nothing. He moves his head side to side. He can do that at least. He's still groggy from...Ky panics. What happened?! He kicks his feet out. His legs can move, but only if they move together. He's slowly recovering. He can finally tell where the ropes tying him down are. His eyes snap open. The first thing he sees is...gray. For a second, he can't figure out what it is. Then he remembers the name of the sound and it clicks. An engine. He's in a car, staring up at the roof. Probably a van gauging by the size. Mentally, he explores his body, checking for ropes. On his wrists, across his chest and upper arms, knees, and ankles. Plus a bandana gagging his mouth. Whoever this is, they did a good job. He panics again. That's not good if they're professionals. Desperately, he squirms around, trying to escape.

"Hey, you. Quit squirming. We're almost here. You'll be free in a few minutes" the voice is gruff, with a no-nonsense tone, definitely male. Not exactly reassuring, but he did say Ky'd be free soon. But what's the point of kidnapping him if you're not going to do anything with the hostage? Maybe he meant that Ky would be free of the ropes later. Not completely free. He pushes that thought down. But, as if playing on his thoughts, another voice, this one much harsher, breaks in.

"Free? Yeah, right. He'll be even worse off than now. At least he won't be alone." he says. Another flash of panic. No! This can't be happening! First kidnapped in his own home, then carted off to who-knows-where. Wait, they could still be in his neighborhood. He tries to sit up to see out the window. No dice. The seat belt for the middle seat is strapped across his stomach. Jeez, these guys thought of everything. Maybe he can escape later, when the man said he would be 'free'. He definitely implied he would be going somewhere besides this car, and not tied up like a turkey. Feeling a bit calmer in making plans, he lays back down on the car seat. A few minutes pass in silence before the car stops. One man gets out. The passenger side. Where the more evil-sounding man was. Sure enough, the man that opened the door above his head had a wicked twinkle in his eye and a rictus grin on his face. One that belonged on a skull. Not exactly promising.

"Sorry buddy. Gotta blindfold you." he says, taking out a bandana. Ky has another mini panic attack and thrashed around. He mmmmphed like crazy.

"Now, stop that." the man says. He brings down the other bandana over Ky's eyes. Ky squeezes his eyes shut as the bandana is tied in place. This can't be happening. He opens his eyes again, but he can't see anything. The seatbelt is unbuckled and there's a hand under his back, lifting him out of the car. His feet drag along the seat. There's a brief spark of hope that one of the ropes will slide off.

"Sheesh, Ky. You're heavy!" the man says, chuckling a little.

"It's all that YouTube." says the other man distastefully. Wait, what?! How did they know he watched YouTube a lot? That's just creepy. And what's with the disapproving tone in the other man's voice? The first, more evil-sounding man lifts up Ky and holds him bridal style. He turns around and starts walking. A plan quickly forms in Ky's mind. He starts struggling as hard as he can, whipping his limbs around.

"Woah, woah, woah! Steve, I'm losing my grip on him!" the man shouts.

"Hold tighter!" Steve shouts from the other side of the car. The man tightens his grip, trying to hold on. Ky's heart leaps. Yes! The man loses his grip and Ky falls out of his arms. He braces for impact. It hurts, but adrenaline is pumping through him. As soon as he hits the ground, he starts rolling as fast as he can. Away from the man and Steve.

"No!" the man shouts. Ky, still blind, keeps on rolling. Then the unexpected happens. He reaches a a ledge and almost tumbles off. Luckily, or unluckily, someone catches the rope around his chest and holds on. Judging by the fact that his legs hang down pretty far, he probably didn't want to take that fall.

"Gothcha!" the man says triumphantly, and hauls him back up. No! Ky thrashes around again.

"Not this time." he says, picking Ky back up. This time, his grip is so tight it's almost painful. Dread fills Ky's stomach. There's almost no escape now.

"We're not letting you go that easy." the man snaps, angry now. Ky silently whimpers. So close! Sort of...

"Come on, Drake." Steve snaps. "Bring him in." That sends a chill through Ky. This is it.

"Don't worry, Ky. It won't be that bad. And you'll get to meet who you signed up for." Drake croons. What? Signed up for? What is he talking about? His thoughts are interrupted by his head hitting something.

"MMMPH!" Ky mumbles.

"Sor-ry!" Drake says in a sing-song voice.

"Stop messing with him, Drake. He'll get plenty of mind explosions later?" Mind explosions? Who uses that term?

"What took you so long?" interrupts another voice, this one much more gruff.

"Sorry. He was trying to escape." Steve answers, sounding a bit nervous.

"How? He's tied up tight." the voice asks, anger coloring it.

"That doesn't stop him from moving completely." Drake says, irritated. Not being able to see anything, he listens to the chemistry between these men. Drake, the little psycho, is standing up for himself while Steve cowers to this mysterious, albeit intimidating voice.

"Whatever, Drake. Just put the prisoner in his cell. Then take the blindfold off and let him see how powerful we are." the voice snaps. Drake shifts his arm and makes what Ky takes to be the middle finger at him. Drake begins moving again.

"I hat that guy." Steve mutters.

"I know. But he's in charge around here." Drake mutters back. They stop and Ky hears a door opening. A door on that scrapes against the floor, metal on concrete. Drake moves again. Ky feels himself being lowered to the ground. He feels hands at the back of his head as he lays on his side. A few seconds later, the gag is removed, then the blindfold. It takes him a second for his eyes to adjust, and right as they do, the door slams. The sound rings through the room.

"So you're not even gonna untie me?!" Ky shouts.

"No. Get free with help from your new friends." Drake shouts back, voice full of humor.

"I hate you!" Ky shouts. There's no response. Exhaling quickly through his mouth, he lays his head on the floor, closes his eyes, and cries. He's been rudely snatched from his own home, drugged, and brought to this stone room. And the worst part is that he has absolutely no idea why he was brought here. He sniffs.

"Get it together, Ky. You can't let them see you weak like this." he mutters, urging himself on. He opens his eyes. And then reels back in shock, staring straight into Anthony Padilla's dark brown eyes. What the hell?!?!?!?


Dun dun daaaa! HAHA! Smoshy cliffhanger! Heh heh. Don't really know what else to say... Plug: Feel free to vote, comment, fan, etc. Bla bla bla, you know the rest! More YouTube Games, coming soon! PS, sorry this was sort of a filler chapter. I'll do better next chapter!


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