16 - Mate Bond

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**Ciao people!! I'm cat-sitting right now and thought, hey why not update? :D

PS - if anyone reading this is a therian, and would be open to chat and maybe become friends, could you message me? I think therianthoropy is interesting; it'd be cool to know people who are(:

Anyywhooo story time!!**



I walked Ari out to my mom's car stomping and pouting. "I don't want you to leave!" I whined once again. My wolf was whimpering at our mate not being near us.

'Mark her! Then she won't want to leave!' Rideon shouted in joy. I rolled my eyes at him, we've had the same conversation for the past 5 minutes.

Ari chuckled and rolled her eyes "you need to breathe and chill, you'll see me in school. Plus we have phones, you can just text me" she said with a smile on her beautiful face.

I smiled back then pulled Ari into a tight hug. I nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent deeply. I felt like she was my drug and I needed to get a big hit before she left.

I felt Rideon relax and lay down which calmed me down, now I don't have to be on edge and worry about him jumping Ari and marking her.

"As stupid as it sounds, I'm gonna miss you" Ari muttered against my chest, my wolf purred but I played it out as a chuckle. I love the mate bond so much right now. Thank you Moon Goddess!!

"Now you need to let go coz I can feel my oxygen levels shrinking." Ari said chuckling, I pouted and reluctantly let her go.

Ari smiled and quickly got onto her tiptoes before pushing her lips onto mine. I was shocked for a second before I realised she was kissing me. Before I could respond Ari pulled away making me whimper.

I wrapped my arms around her waist to stop her from moving and pushed my lips back onto hers. Ari moaned which made me purr with delight.

This was so perfect I could stay here all da-

My mom horned from the car making Ari pull back, I growled lowly in annoyance.

Ari's eyes looked blurred and dazed, she shook her head trying to calm the blurriness "woah, I uh. See ya later" she breathed before escaping my hold. I stood there for a minute shocked at the intensity of the kiss. I knew the mate bond was strong but that was crazy.


Throughout the car ride home, I was silent. I wanted nothing more than to just turn the car around and speed back to Logan. I missed him. A lot. As in its getting creepy a lot. My chest ached and I knew Logan would be the only thing to take the pain away.

I heard Cassie sigh "hun, you'll be fine" she assured me sympathetically and glancing at me for a second, I nodded and chuckled. "Yeah I know, it just feels weird" I said with a frown and furrowed brows.

Cassie smiled brightly and I was afraid she'd gone crazy. I turned back to the window and sighed just as my phone went off; I quickly checked it.

Logan: Baby I miss you, is it too late to come back to my house?Xx

I giggled and sat up straight biting my thumb.

Me: I miss you too:( I want to come back, but Brady would probably murder me and then you.. I'll see you soon though hopefully xx

Logan: I would never let anyone hurt you, I will protect you with my life. I love you baby girl xx

His message made me feel like screaming in joy. I almost did but then remembered Cassie was in the car.

Me: I love you too Logan:* xx

"Here we are hun" Cassie spoke from right next to me. I jumped and looked at her, her head was a breath away from my shoulder. Was she.. Oh my god she was! "Were you.. reading my texts?" I asked in shock trying not to sound rude.

Cassie blushed and sat back then cleared her throat "yeah" she whispered making me laugh. "Goodnight Cassie" I called to her before jumping out of the car. I closed the door then skipped up to my house.

After waving Cassie off, I opened the front door and closed it quietly before strolling into the living room. I froze when I heard growling. Two muscular guys stood up and growled at me, their eyes flashing blue and green. Brady told me that Beta wolves eyes flash blue, and third in command's flash green.

I stood tall "sit down" I commanded them, they stepped towards me and growled once again, expecting me to back down. I stepped towards them making their eyes widen.

"I said sit the hell down! Don't you dare come into my house and growl at me! I don't give a flying damn if you're a beta and gamma. Sit your ass down!" I shouted at them angrily.

They gaped at me, their eyes going back to both of their natural browns. They were about to speak when loud booming laughter behind me cut them off. "Holy shit! Oh my god! Where the hell is the rest of the pack right now!?" Brady sputtered, hunched over laughing and gripping a chair for support. The two guys grumbled something I couldn't hear under their breaths.

After a few minutes, Brady composed himself and stood up wiping away his tears "oh shit, that was good" he said breathless as he walked over to me and draped his arm over my shoulder. "Axl, Alex. This is my little sister Ari" the guy's eyes widened as they stared at me in shock. I gave them quick once overs.

They were twins, that much was obvious. Brown hair, palish skin, brown eyes, sharp features, tall 6'0, bulky with muscle. Yeah.. That was pretty much it.

"W-we didn't know, I-I, w-we are sorry" Axl the Beta stuttered out before bowing his head, I snorted and choked on laughter "it's fine don't worry" I said waving it off. I smiled at Alex and he gave me a sheepish smile.

Brady chuckled "now onto important business.. Why can I smell him on you?" Brady asked seriously.

I froze. Oh shit.

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