7 - Day out

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It was 12 on the dot when I walked into Delgato's Palace. I decided to wear my light blue skinny jeans, red checkered flannel, black boots with a black bag. My hair was out and natural, for make-up I just had mascara and lip gloss.

"ARI!" I heard Amanda call, I turned to my right to see: Amanda, Jaz, Ty and Logan. I smiled at them all and walked over to their table. Conveniantly, the only available seat was next to Logan. I glanced at Amanda and Jaz to see them smirking at me, I smiled and rolled my eyes as I slid into the booth next to him.

"Hey" I whispered to him, taking my bag off and placing it inbetween us "hey, you look beautiful" Logan whispered back. I froze "uh um thanks" I said looking up to meet his eyes. His smile was breath taking and I couldn't help but smile back. "You look quite handsome yourself" I said nudging his elbow already accustomed to the sparks that fly when we touch.

His breathing went slightly uneven making me smile and hide my face in the menu. "What are you getting?" Logan whispered into my ear, I could feel his warm breath and it made me spin my head to face him. Our noses nudged together because of how close we were, his eyes flickered down to my lips, I couldn't help but do the same to him.

"I-I uhm, I'm getting mozarella" I breathed out, my eyes were still flickering from his eyes to his lips. He chuckled "mind if I share with you? We can get a large pizza?" I just nodded to him. His voice was so husky and hypnotizing.

He smirked then pulled away. I let out a breath of relief, I could feel my breathing regulate and my heart beat calm down. I placed my menu in the middle of the table.

He was teasing me? Ok well mr let's-tease-Ari, two can play at that game.

"Hey Logan" I whispered "yeah" he whispered back "your collars messed up hang on" I whispered wrapping my arms slowly, as if teasing him around his neck and sorting his collar out. I sat back down and our faces were inches apart, I leant in close to his ear "you're welcome" I whispered pulling away and sat down watching his facial expressions.

His eyes were wide and his breathing hitched "you ok?" I whispered to him biting my lip to stop from laughing. His head snapped to me and his eyes flickered to my lips, he nodded slowly still staring at my lips. I smiled then turned back around just in time for the food to come.

Ari- 1 point. SCOOORRREE!!!!

We ate in silence making small talk here and there. My phone pinged making me check it.

Amanda: we saw that.. someones's broken out of her shell ;) >=)

I looked up to see Amanda and Jaz giving me knowing looks and sly smiles. I couldn't hold my laughter, I burst out laughing along with Amanda and Jaz. Ty and Logan sat awkwardly giving eachother confused looks. I'm pretty sure everyone in this place was looking at us now.

We calmed down and paid our check. I gave my $5 towards mine and Logan's pizza but he refused. "Logan take it" I said shoving the $5 towards him "Ari I don't need your money" "I don't care take it!" I whisper-yelled at him "why are you whispering?" he asked with a smirk and raised brow.

I narrowed my eyes at him "shut up and take the damn money!" I said grabbing his hand with both of mine and shoving the money in. He clamped his other hand over mine holding them in place. His hands were hot and the tingles were tickling my hands slightly.

I looked up making my eyes meet his "take the money" I whispered. He leaned in to my ear "no" he whispered huskily then moved back "my treat" he said smiling then released my hands. I groaned and shoved the $5 back into my bag. I closed my bag then walked back to the group.

Logan turned and smiled to me as I stood next to him. "What do you guys wanna do now?" Amanda asked. "Shopping!" Jaz shouted, Ty groaned and rolled his eyes "I don't mind shopping" I said with a shrug. "SHOPPING TRIP!" Jaz shouted at the top of her voice as she fist pumped the air. We all laughed at her hyperness "well I gotta go I've got.. uh.. homework" Ty said glancing at Logan, Logan nodded "bye guys" Ty said jogging off.

"Are you going too?" I asked Logan, he smiled down at me from his 6'2 figure to my 5'1 figure. "Do you want me to?" he asked seriously, I shook my head with a smile. Logan smiled "then I'll stay" he said intertwining our fingers. My smile grew as I leant my head on his arm.

"Ok guys shopping it is" Amanda said walking back to us, she paused and looked at mine and Logan's hands before smiling and turning away to walk to the shopping centre. Me and Logan trailed behind Amanda and Jaz as they talked about shoes and clothes.


"Ooohh omg try this!" I heard Jaz squeal, I looked up from the jewellery Isle to find her shoving a blue sleeveless dress into Amanda's hands. Amanda squealed then rushed to try it on, I chuckled and rolled my eyes at them, then continued to look at jewellery.

I gasped when I found a silver coloured ring with a wolfs head on it. It was small and simple but beautiful. "It's beautiful" Logan whispered behind me, I turned around to face him. "I know, hang on let me pay for it" I said with a smile whilst walking to the counter.

I smiled at the checkout guy who returned it. "Hi" I said placing the ring on the counter "hey, that's nice" he replied as he scanned the ring. "Thanks" I said with a smile, he returned the smile before looking behind me. His eyes widened. Before I could turn to see what he was looking at, Logan had his arm around my waist. The tingles shot through me making me shiver. "Are you done here?" Logan asked through gritted teeth, he seemed angry.

The checkout guy gulped and lowered his head. I frowned at him before looking up at Logan, he was glaring at the guy. I nudged his stomach with my elbow making him look down at me. His glare disappeared instantly and he smiled at me with a strong emotion in his eyes. I had no idea what it was though. I shook my head at him with furrowed brows. I saw his smile drop and he clenched his jaw, his eyes seemed darker. I pouted, not liking the fact that he was mad.

"T-That'll be $2.50" the checkout guy stuttered out not lifting his head. I frowned again and rummaged through my bag when I saw Logan step forward.

I looked up to see Logan paying the guy "Logan no!" I whined, he chuckled "my treat" I crossed my arms. "And how many treats am I going to be getting today?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged "whatever you want I'll get for you"

"Yeah I'd like you to let me pay" I muttered under my breath, he chuckled again and shook his head. "Anything but that". I rolled my eyes at him, before turning to him and smiling "thanks" I said taking off the packaging on the ring as we walked out of the store.

He turned and stood in front of me grabbing my hands gently "no problem princess" he said huskily. "Which finger?" he asked referring to which finger I wanted the ring on. "Wedding finger" I said feeling my body heat up. I had to fight the urge to smile. Princess?! What!? Why would he call me that!?

Logan smiled and nodded, slowly slipping the ring onto my finger. "Perfect" he breathed out making me look up at him and laugh whilst shaking my head. "What?" he asked as he furrowed his brows. "You" I said then turned to go meet the others and leave.

I think today's been a pretty good day. It was weird when he was glaring at the checkout guy though.. It was like he was being possessive.. But, why would he be possessive of me?

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