Chapter 17

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So after Austin, Jake, and I get our ice cream and talk for a while about me getting used to school. It's around 9:30pm and we start heading back to my house. We take a longer way to get there so we can just enjoy the ride.

I stare up at how pretty the sky is and totally forget I'm riding a bike. I ride right into the curb of the sidewalk and my bike tips over.

Jake yells "Oh my gosh Sophie."

Austin just stops his skateboard and starts laughing.

I start laughing myself. They both run over and grab both of my arms and pick me up because I was really tangled in the bike. From their view I probably looked hilarious. It didn't hurt that bad. They get me back to my feet and I don't see any scrapes visible on my legs.

I laugh and say "I'm fine. Thanks guys."

Austin picks up my bike for me, puts the handle bars in my hands, looks up, and says "You sure? That was a pretty hard fall."

"Yeah. Didn't really hurt." I say getting back on my bike.

We continue back to my house and when we get there we say our goodbyes. I walk back into my house and greet my dad like usual.

I then realize he is sitting on the couch with some blonde woman I've never seen. They both have coffees in their hands and then my dad says "Hey Sophia this is Pam. I mean Mrs.Watters."

I say "Um hi." I probably have the most confused face on.

She looks at me and says "I think you know my son, Cameron."

I repond "Yeah he brought us cookies when we moved in." Whiling nodding my head. I'm afraid where this conversation is going but I'm trying to stay calm.

She says "Yes he did. He's in your math class and having a lot trouble in it." While turning to my dad while speaking. "He asked if he could get a tutor and he said that since you guys live just next door maybe you would help him out."

My dad says without thinking about my thoughts on the situation "She would love to."

I look at dad and her and say "I don't know if that would work for me. I have cheer and I've never really tutored someone before."

She says "It would be after Cameron's basketball practices. I was thinking he could drive you home from cheer and you two would pick a house to do it at."

My dad opens his mouth again "Sounds like a great idea."

In my head I am yelling at my dad to shut up. I hate being on the spot what can I say right now in front of her.

I say "I'll think about it. I'll let you know soon."

While I'm walking up the stairs all I'm thinking is what woman comes to their new neighbors house at 10:00 at night?

When I get upstairs I open my window. I look if Cameron's is open. Which it is.

I take a piece of blank paper from my desk write "We need to talk now" and chuck it through his window. I don't know if he's in there right now but he will eventually find it.

I then sit at my desk and put my homework on it. I usually get my weekend homework done so the rest of the weekend I don't have to worry about it.

I start my history homework. I have to read my history book and take notes for every page she assigned. Which is really boring so I play some music while I'm reading to get sort of a rhythm going.

So I'm just reading and jamming out and all of a sudden I get hit with something on my back. I jump a little because it really scares me.

I turn around and see Cameron's blinds close. I saw it in like slow motion. I get up and look behind the chair I'm sitting in and see a piece of paper crushed into a ball.

I realize that's what hit me and I pick it up and open it. All the white piece of paper had on it was 555-0184. I am not surprised he just threw a piece of paper at me with his phone number on it.

I then take my phone out of my pocket and put his number in.

I click on Cameron's new contact to call him. It starts ringing and I wait for him to answer.


Author's Note- I know you guys are really excited to read the chapter about the basketball court and trust me it's going to be soon! Please comment if you have any ideas for next chapter. If I get a lot of votes on this chapter I'll publish another one ASAP.

Do you think she's going to tutor him?

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