Chapter 3

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After I come home I eat dinner and finish unpacking. At dinner we just talked about our day and he asked if I was ready for school and other boring stuff.

I'm really nervous and excited for school at the same time. I'm excited for school to make new friends and all the new boys. My friends back home called me boy crazy. I have a really big personality so to be my friend they have to handle me saying what I think.

I change into my pajamas and go to bed a little earlier than usual.


I wake up at 6:00am and jump in the shower. I put on a white cropped flowing shirt and light denim shorts with white lace to show off my California tan and my new blue vans. It's kind of cold out, but the only clothes that are in my dresser are from California which are all basically shorts. I then blow dry and curl my hair in loose, small, brown curls.

I put my usual natural makeup with this lip gloss that smells like watermelon on. I walk down stairs and put a huge smile on when I see that my dad made me a huge breakfast and is sitting at the table.

I say "Is this all for me?" He looks at all the food on the table and says "Don't worry hun it was nothing, and today is your first day of school."

I sit down and eat some bacon and toast and tell my dad "I can't wait! I am going to make so many new friends!" I say that but I really mean is I'm so nervous. Can I stay home? I just said that so my dad didn't worry about me while he was working. I don't like to make him feel bad about moving us a lot. I know it's not his fault.

What if no one talks to me because I'm the new girl. I have such bad anxiety you wouldn't believe.

When it is around 7:15am I tell my dad "I want to go now so I could set up my locker." He says "Ok hun let me get my keys." I pick up my new backpack and make sure everything I need is inside it.

My dad and I are off to my new huge high school. When my dad pulls up to the front of the school I have the worst butterflies. He says "Have fun sweetie! Call me when you need a ride."

I then look to my right to see all these teenagers walking in chatting with friends. I take a deep breath and open the car door and start walking towards the door.

When I am walking through the hallways looking for my locker I automatically see a bunch of eyes stick to me. In my old school I probably would have loved all of this attention, but this is really overwhelming.

When I finally get to my locker I take out the sheet of paper that says my combination on it. I try it like ten times and it wouldn't work. Apparently someone sees me struggling because out of no where this guy took the paper out of my hand and opens my locker in less then a second.

He then says "These lockers are hard to open sometimes."

I then realize it was Cameron, my neighbor, who I met yesterday.

I laugh and reply "Thanks so much I was thinking I was going to have to break it open." as I put a stray brown curl behind my ear.

He then says "What team are you on?"

In this school they have two colored teams, the white and the blue because that's their school colors. Which really means if you are on the blue team you only have classes with people on your team.

I then say "Um I think blue. How about you?"

He replies "Me too. Can I see your schedule? Maybe we have classes together."

I say "Sure" and reach into my backpack and get it and hand it to him.

He says "Yep we do. We have math and home ech together."

I say "Cool I..."

Then I quickly get interrupted by a bunch of guys yelling "Watters" down the hall.

I assume Watters is Cameron's last name.

He then looks at me and says "Sorry Soph I got to go." and turns around and walks to his big group of friends and did that weird boy hand shake.

I say "Okay."

I then start putting my books in my locker and put a bunch of magnets. I take out a handful of pictures to start putting under my magnets. They are pretty much all of my friends and me in cheer. After I put most of my pictures up this girl comes up to me. She looks like a junior, and she was really pretty.

She has black long hair with a pretty braid going back. She is a little shorter than me and says "A base huh?" I made a confused face and then I realize what she means.

I answer "Yep, captain of my old team."

She then says "I'm Liv you're the new junior right?"

I say "Yeah does everybody already know about me?" with a slight giggle.

She laughs and says "Pretty much. Things get around fast in this school."

I say "I'm Sophia but everyone calls me Sophie."

she says "Nice to meet you Sophie."

I then say "So, what are you a flyer?"

she then smirks and says "No, I'm a base too."

I say "Cool." And continue what I was doing. I am so awkward with new people.

She waits until I finish setting up my locker and shows me to my first period class, which we ended up having together oddly enough.

She tells me that she is a few lockers down from me which is pretty cool.

After a bunch of boring periods it was lunch. Liv and I meet up at lunch and walk to this table with two girls already sitting at it.

Liv then says to them "Girls this is our new friend Sophie. Sophie this is Maddy and Chloe my best friends."

They both wave and one says "I'm Maddy." with a smile.

She is blonde and has blue eyes. I can already tell she is a cheerleader. Even if I didn't see the necklace she is wearing that says "Flyer Power."

And the other girl looks at me and says "I'm Chloe." She has short dirty blond hair and green eyes.

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